Dr Esther Johnson’s film ‘Alone Together, the Social Life of Benches’ featured on NOWNESS global video channel

Banner for 'Alone Together' by Esther Johnson, from the film website

An extract from Alone Together, the Social Life of Benches, a film by artist-filmmaker Esther Johnson, is to be streamed online by NOWNESS from 24 November 2016.

NOWNESS is a global video channel and a movement for creative excellence in storytelling celebrating the extraordinary of every day. Through a series of oral testimonies and carefully composed portraits, Alone Together, the Social Life of Benches explores how individuals and groups spend time in two distinctive public locations. You can watch the 4-minute extract on NOWNESS here and read about the edit here.

Dr Esther Johnson is an artist and filmmaker working at the intersection of artist moving image and documentary portraiture. Find out more about her work here. Esther is a Reader in Media Arts at Sheffield Hallam University.