Design4Health 2015

Design4Health 2015, #D4H2015 came to a close after running from the 13th-16th July. The event encompassed a conference, exhibition and 24 hour design4health challenge, Lego Serious Play, Open Space, a Yarn Lounge, Giant Operation. With headline sponsor Yorkshire and Humber AHSN – we created an environment focused on creative practices that enable healthcare innovation, that challenge people to think differently and that facilitate real participation between public, patients, health professionals, researchers and businesses.

Keynote speakers confirmed so far include:

  • Prof Brendan McCormak (Prof Nursing and Head of Nursing at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh)
  • Prof Rachel Cooper (Prof of Design Management at University of Lancaster, Co-Director of Imagination Lancaster)
  • Prof Gail Mountain (Prof of Assistive Technology at the School of Health and Related Research, The University of Sheffield)
  • Dr Lucy Lyons (Lecturer in drawing research and painting at City & Guilds of London Art School and artist-in-residence at Barts Pathology Museum, Queen Mary University of London)
  • Mat Hunter (Chief Design Office, UK Design Council)

Additional sponsors include the Kyoto Design Lab, NIHR Devices for Dignity HTC, NIHR Yorkshire and Humber CLAHRC, JRI Orthopaedic and B Braun Medical.

You can join the conference mailing list via the conference website and follow the keynote speakers (Brendan, Rachel, Lucy, Mat and Gail) on Twitter along with Lab4Living, Design4Health, YH AHSN and other sponsors via the following twitter handles, using #D4H2015.

Follow Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University’s board Design4Health2015 on Pinterest.