Design For Health Vol 7 issue 1, April 2023

Design For Health Vol 7 issue 1
Title: Design for Health, Vol 7 issue 1
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online
Editor-in-chief:Prof Paul Chamberlain, Sheffield Hallam University
Co-editor:Dr Claire Craig, Lab4Living, Sheffield Hallam University
Co-editor:Emeritus Prof Paul Atkinson, Sheffield Hallam University
Assistant editor:Kirsty Christer, Sheffield Hallam University
Print ISSN:2473-5132
Online ISSN: 2473-5140
Published:Three issues per year

Pull together

In his editorial, Pull Together, Paul Atkinson reflects on recent humanitarian disasters, crises, conflict and economic recession, and notes how people from a wide range of backgrounds and different walks of life are coming together to try and help. He believes this shows there is potential for design for healthcare practitioners and researchers to work with others to make diverse and meaningful contributions – be it in designing temporary emergency shelters or low-cost permanent housing, designing improved approaches and procedures in surgery and medical care, or designing long-term rehabilitation or care services for those affected. A few examples of the varied ways in which interdisciplinary teams working together in design for health can make a valuable difference to people’s lives are evidenced in the articles in this issue.

PhD During Covid reports

This year, the Design For Health journal recognises the impact of COVID-19 on design for health and wellbeing research and is publishing a series of short reports describing the experiences, issues and strategies employed in undertaking a Design for Heath PhD during the pandemic. The four reports published in this issue are:

The author articulates some clear reflections, such as increased meaningfulness for the researcher, greater participant confidence in online tools. She also acknowledges researcher burnout, and the need to adjust personal and professional expectations and priorities.

A diagram showing Comparison of face-to-face materials and outputs against the online version. The Before COVID section includes materials and outputs. During Covid section includes Handbook, Digital space and more extensive outputs. By Cecilia Landa-Avila

Comparison of face-to-face materials and outputs against the online version. By Cecilia Landa-Avila.

The author was obliged to adopt different methods (remote co-design and Exhibition in a box) and found that COVID-19 had become a new lens through which participants could interrogate health futures.

The researcher developed a a form of remote sensory ethnography to engage with participants, and video conferencing brought benefits and increased flexibility. Using participants’ own choice of objects and favourite spaces in their own homes supported conversations.

The shift away from focus groups to an online survey was a necessary Covid adaptation. However, the adapted methods helped to inform the development of a rich collection of personas, reflecting the trends identified through the analysis of the survey data.

Articles in this issue

The issue includes an essay by Lars Veldmeijer et al., ‘Design for mental health: can design promote human-centred diagnostics?’, which explores problems in psychiatric diagnosis in accessing the unique, personalized, received experiences of individuals with mental health conditions, which is crucial in the development of treatment and clinical care plans.

Rise of the biomedical designer: engaging industrial design students in an advanced manufacturing neurosurgery project by Novak et al., reports on a 13-week long design challenge immersing industrial design students in a biomedical design project in a neurosurgical context which led to an increased understanding of the potential for additive manufacturing in design for health and wellbeing.

A pain in the neck: prototyping and testing of a patient simulator neck for spinal immobilization training by Henriksen, Auflem and Steinert reports on the iterative development of an improved mannequin containing 3D printed components to reflect the loose neck movements of an unconscious patient which could be recorded to provide objective performance indicators for different immobilisation techniques.
Finally, the paper by Ellen van Lieshout et al. explores the ‘Impact of dynamic light exposure on sleep-wake pattern and BPSD in people with dementia living at home’ finding that there was a significant improvement noticed on symptoms of depression and anxiety.

About the journal

Design For Health was established in 2016 by editors Paul Chamberlain, Claire Craig, Paul Atkinson and Kirsty Christer with Taylor & Francis Online. It forms part of Lab4Living’s series of design4health events dissemination activities. Paul Atkinson and Kirsty Christer also edited The Design Journal at Sheffield Hallam University from 2014 until 2020.