CCRI Seminar Series – ‘Funding Film, Media and Arts research’ with Professors Virginia Heath and Esther Johnson

Please join us on Wednesday 16 June for our next CCRI-wide seminar as part of the Culture & Creativity Research Institute Seminar Series, where we will be hearing from Professors Virginia Heath and Esther Johnson on their experience of funding for research projects in Film, Media and Arts.

Stills/promo images from Lift Share, From Scotland With Love, Mae West – Boxer in a Corset, Cigar Box Blues (all copyright Professor Virginia Heath)
Funding Film, Media and Arts research
Art, Design and Media Research Centre Professors, Virginia Heath and Esther Johnson, will talk about the many and varied sources of Film, Media and Arts funding for their research projects: from AHRC, Arts Council, Heritage and charity grants, to screen agencies and broadcast television. We will talk about the advantages of cross-disciplinary and international partnerships as well as give our insights into navigating archive rights in relation to funding film projects.
CCRI Seminar Series – Funding Film, Media and Arts research with Professors Virginia Heath and Esther Johnson
Wednesday 16 June, 1300-1400
If you’d like to come along please contact ! RIS Culture & Creativity RI Enquiries.

Stills/promo images from a ROLE to PLAY, Alone Together, Liberation Radio, ASUNDER, DUST & METAL (all copyright Professor Esther Johnson)
Virginia Heath
Virginia Heath‘s research interests intersect with several themes: radicalising the archives, revealing marginalised and hidden histories, questions of identity (From Scotland With Love, We Are All Migrants, Songs From The Golden City); to sexuality, gender and experimentation with narrative form (Mae West: Boxer In A Corset, Lift Share, Relativity, My Dangerous Loverboy, Point Annihilation); to frugal making and DIY as resistance (Cigar Box Blues – The Makers Of A Revolution). You can watch trailers of Virginia’s work on Vimeo: From Scotland With Love (cinema feature / BBC documentary), Lift Share (drama) and Cigar Box Blues (short film / BBC documentary).
Esther Johnson
Esther Johnson works at the intersection of artist moving image and documentary. Research interests include alternative social histories and marginal worlds; the repositioning of archival material as a way of addressing the relationship between history, memory and storytelling; and exploration of architectural vernaculars, the inhabited environment and placemaking. Recent works include Liberation Radio (funded by British Council, currently on show in Hanoi with an online event on 12 June); a ROLE to PLAY (ACE, Jerwood Arts); ASUNDER (14-18 NOW, HF, ACE, DCMS, IWM); and Alone Together (AHRC). Esther is currently in production of feature-length film DUST & METAL working with the Vietnam Film Institute, TPD Hanoi, and composer Xo Xinh. Find out more about Esther’s work on her website here.
About the CCRI Seminar Series
We are currently relaunching our successful seminar series, continuing the regular insights into our researchers and the research we do in the Culture & Creativity Research Institute we explored with our previous C3RI Seminar Series.
If you are interested in hosting an external visitor, giving your own seminar about your research or would like to volunteer to hold a seminar session more geared towards staff development, please let us know at ! RIS Culture & Creativity RI Enquiries. Academic leads for each Research Centre are currently to be confirmed, but you can find out about future seminars on the CCRI Impact Blog pages for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.
It is our aim to record each and every one of our research seminars and we will make recordings available shortly afterwards on the Blog pages, in order to create an archive of our speakers and seminars.
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