‘Beware the Cat’ artist Penny McCarthy interviewed in The Guardian

'Your cat is watching you' Guardian article

A piece in The Guardian today by Arifa Akbar about new stage show ‘Beware the Cat’ includes an interview with Fine Art reader Penny McCarthy. The article “‘Your cat is watching you!’ The fearless felines hidden by their author”, by Arifa Akbar, appeared in The Guardian on Tuesday 25th June 2019.

“William Baldwin concealed his 16th-century book Beware the Cat because of its satirical swipes at the Catholic church. Now, it’s celebrated on stage” Arifa Akbar, The Guardian.

Illustrations by Penny McCarthy form part of a new production based on one of the oldest novels in English. A group of English Literature, Theatre and Fine Art scholars have adapted William Baldwin’s 1561 novel “Beware the Catholic” into a theatrical experience with experimental theatre ensemble Forced Entertainment.

A gallery containing McCarthy’s illustrations for this project is now available on the project’s blog.

Beware the Cat is at the Other Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, on 6 July and the Workshop Theatre in Leeds on 23 November.