Michelle Atherton and TC McCormack co-curate the group exhibition ‘AS MUCH ABOUT FORGETTING’ with Jette Gejl (Danish artist, curator and academic) at Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark

This Friday sees the public opening of a new exhibition featuring Sheffield Hallam University Senior Lecturers in Fine Art Michelle Atherton and TC McCormack at Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark.

Michelle Atherton
The exhibition AS MUCH ABOUT FORGETTING has the tensions of history and memory at its core. The participating artists use installations, sculptures, videos, large-scale backlit vinyl and performances to re-call, reclaim and re-enact our past as imperfect. Some works draw upon the intangible, unstable and unofficial while others embrace archives and artefacts.

TC McCormack – Play it as it lays
At the same time, the exhibition itself is an unfolding process, where the audience is given the opportunity to experience and participate in the experiments of contemporary art. Alongside the exhibition there will be a sequence of events: workshops, performances and a symposium. For more details check the Viborg Kunsthal calendar.
Featured artists:
Laura White (UK), David Toop (UK), Pilvi Takala (FI), Michael Schultze (DE), John Russell (UK), Lea Torp Nielsen (DK), TC McCormack (UK), Sophus Ejler Jepsen (DK), Jette Gejl (DK), Lara Eggleton & David Steans (UK) & Michelle Atherton (UK).
The exhibition is curated by TC McCormack, Michelle Atherton and Danish artist Jette Gejl in collaboration with Viborg Kunsthal.

John Russell – Public Sculpture

TC McCormack installation – Private view

Jette Gejl performance
Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark
Friday 07 September 2018 – 25 November 2018
Follow Viborg Kunsthal, #asmuchaboutforgetting and TC McCormack on Instagram.
There will also be an opening event on Thursday 06 September 2018, featuring a
welcome by Head of Exhibitions Bodil Johanne Monrad, opening speech by Michelle Atherton and TC McCormack, and a performance by Jette Gejl.
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