Sunday 28 April 2019 – Dr Anandi Ramamurthy speaking at event to mark the 40th anniversary of the Southall Protests

C3RI Reader in Postcolonial Studies, Dr Anandi Ramamurthy will be speaking at a forthcoming event at Birkbeck, University of London to mark the 40th anniversary of the Southall Protests.
Southall, April 1979: How to fight the fascists and win (then and now) will take place on Sunday 28 April 2019 and will feature a number of leading academics from the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as founder members of anti-racism movements. Tickets are free and can be booked through Eventbrite here.
Anandi has also written a blog post for Discover Society to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Southall Protests. The post is related to her research for her book Black Star: Britain’s Asian Youth Movements and charts the opposition by Asian Youth Movements to the rise of neo-fascism and accompanying racial violence in across Britain in the late 1970s and early 1980s.