‘Menu’ of teaching approaches and the technologies that can enhance them

The Technology Enhanced Learning team has been working with staff across the university to develop resources to assist academic staff in identifying alternative teaching approaches and technologies suitable to their discipline. One of these resources is a framework or ‘menu’ designed to assist colleagues in identifying different teaching approaches and the technologies that can support…

Guest lecture: Tomorrow’s World today – exploring the impact of technology on learning

An internationally renowned expert in e-learning and digital technologies is visiting the University on Wednesday 19 February to host an event for staff exploring the issues and challenges presented by technology trends in higher education. Professor Steve Wheeler, Associate Professor in Information and Computer Technology at the University of Plymouth, will deliver his guest lecture,…

Preparing your 2013/14 Blackboard sites

Over the summer months, staff will be preparing their 2013/14 Blackboard sites so they are ready to use with students. Supported time sessions will be available from July through to September where you can prepare your site with a member of the Technology Enhanced Learning Team on hand to explain the process and provide support.…

Introducing Blackboard Collaborate – April sessions

We will be running another series of demo sessions to introduce Blackboard Collaborate, a new virtual classroom tool. Blackboard Collaborate provides staff with a modern, powerful tool to facilitate synchronous (at the same time) learning activities. Its features include sharing audio, webcam video, presentations in a white board, and a chat window which includes a…