‘Grand Canyon Panorama‘ by Ian Glover
In May, Stuart Hepplestone and I asked SHU staff members to contribute to the development of a framework identifying different teaching approaches in use at SHU and the technologies that can support/enhance them. Over the summer, along with representatives from across the institution, we have been collating the huge amount of information that we received and condensing it into a more digestible form.
We are still adding case studies and developing materials but, if you are a SHU staff member, we would like your feedback on the information that this framework (or ‘menu’) contains, how it is presented and the ways that you would want to use it. Please have a look at the menu and the overview of materials created to support it. You can then give us your thoughts via a brief, anonymous survey. Upon submission there is the opportunity to request a workshop based around the menu for your subject team, so please let us know if you are interested.
The survey is open until 9 a.m. on Monday 21st October. If you have any questions or suggestions about the project please either email Ian Glover (i.glover@shu.ac.uk) or Stuart Hepplestone (s.j.hepplestone@shu.ac.uk) or add a comment below. Please also use these methods if you are not a SHU staff member but would like to comment on the project.
Thank you for your participation in this project and please let us know if you would like to contribute a case study to the menu.
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