Gardening without a garden!

It is essential to connect with nature, especially during this pandemic. Did you know that humans instinctively have a strong connection with nature? The relationship with the natural environment is scientifically referred to as ‘biophilia’.


Let’s get a bit technical to understand where the term biophilia comes from! The term ‘biophilia’ became popular when Edward O. Wilson, an American biologist in the 1980s, noticed how increasing urbanisation rates contributed to a disconnection with the natural environment. With increasing migration rates to urban environments in the evolved world and rising rates in emerging countries, biophilia is of growing significance to the health and wellbeing in the built environment.

Gardening Without a Garden


Incorporating greenery such as plants in your room/ home workstation can give you several benefits for your wellbeing. Extensive research suggests gardening can help reduce anxiety and stress-related symptoms. Gardening is a great way to destress. You don’t have to have a garden to do gardening as you can grow and display beautiful houseplants and herbs on your desk and even on your bedroom windowsill!



Create a Windowsill Mini Garden

A windowsill is an ideal spot to create a mini garden. It’s a great way to bring life and a sense of outdoors into your room. A wide variety of plants thrive on a windowsill; however, there are a few crucial factors to consider before making your choice. Firstly, work out which direction your window faces and how much or little sun it gets. Take measurements of the windowsill to make sure you’ll have enough space for the pots and planters. Now comes the exciting part… time to go plant shopping!

  • Cacti and succulents are an excellent choice for east and south-facing windowsills, as most need several hours of direct sun to thrive.
  • A west-facing windowsill is great for leafy plants such as Geranium.
  • North-facing windowsill is perfect for shade-loving indoor plants, such as Spider plants and Snake Plant.

Water the plants by observing and interacting with them. You can do this by touching the soil surface to see if it is moist or dry. If the soil is dry, it’s likely time to water your plant. If the soil surface is still damp, no more water is needed.

To conclude, indoor plants not only brighten up your room but can also act as air purifiers and lead to a happier mood. This is due to the colour green as it has a relaxing and soothing effect by attracting harmonious feelings that can disperse anxiety according to colour psychology.

Written by #HallamInsider Stera Ahmad 

Illustration by #HallamInsider Natalie Blehova