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Supporting our Students at Hallam

You are here Academic Essentials > Supporting our Students at Hallam

Supporting our Students at Hallam aims to provide you with a range of guidance, information and resources relating to their teaching, learning and assessment as well as pastoral support.

In the first instance, please use our dedicated search list ‘looking for something in particular’.

This provides you with links to the source of content. Wherever there are multiple sources, these will appear on this page. As part of the development of Academic Essentials, we are working with our stakeholders to bring together all multiple sources of content into one place.

The content here has been curated by a range of stakeholders from across both academic and professional services teams and is managed by the Academic Development & Inclusivity Team.

Join one of our drop-in sessions! 
Helps you navigate Academic Essentials and provides support with your your teaching and learning as well as being an academic member of staff.
Email the ADI Team.
We very much welcome contributions to this resource, suggestions on how we can improve and any other feedback regarding Academic Essentials.


Click on one of the following headings to learn more. 



Student Support Triangle

Students in Distress

Supporting students in distress is a guide to Hallam staff on what to do if you come into contact with a student in distress, whether you have specific responsibility for pastoral support or you simply work with students in the course of your job. 

Supporting students in distress and the Sheffield Hallam at Risk Pathways (SHARP)Presented by Sarah Smart – Student Transition and Welfare Team, SAS at the December 2020 Course Leader Fest ‘Engaging and Thriving’. 

Advice on a specific situation

If you require advice on how best to deal with a specific situation the Wellbeing team are able to provide guidance. Please email: ! Student Wellbeing. 

Using the title ‘Advice Required’ and a Duty Adviser will provide support when they are free. For emergency situations please follow the Students in Distress guidance above. 

Research Degrees

Staff supporting students on research degrees should use:  Wellbeing folder on the Research Degrees blackboard site

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Missing students

The missing students process – November 2020 supports staff in the investigation and response to all missing student alerts.  A missing person’s alert may come into the university via several different routes. 

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Next Steps

Next Steps is a simple, user friendly, digital tool that is designed to support students transition to their next level of study, or graduation by providing them with key information and resources based on their level of study and their level of confidence in the following areas:

  • Academic Skills and Reflection
  • Wellbeing
  • Extra-Curricular and Graduate Opportunities
  • There is also a section designed to support students with their Personal and Professional Development.

Academic Advising leads

Have been asked to consider how the Next Steps tool can best support their areas academic advising offer, but it is anticipated that Academic Advising conversations can be underpinned by students engagement with the Next Steps tool and the signposting they receive from it based upon their confidence in key areas.  You can watch our staff video to find out more or visit the Next Steps SharePoint site.

For level 6 and level 7 students Next Steps is part of the Class of 2021 offer, with the Personal and Professional Development section linking to the Graduate Readiness Award. You can watch the student ‘how to’ video.

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Digital Student Handbook

The Sheffield Hallam Digital Student Handbook has been developed providing students, on courses delivered at Sheffield Hallam, with access to key university policies, procedures and support. The handbook sits alongside course information provided at Hallam Welcome and any additional course materials provided.  Students are introduced to the handbook as part of their Hallam Welcome module and further communications about it from marketing. 

Course Leaders

Please ensure that you add the student handbook to your Course Blackboard sites.  

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Student Communications Framework 

Student Digest is a weekly round-up of all the key messages to students. You can read all student messages on the Communications to students SharePoint page.  

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Student support model module

A new Supporting our Students Module has been created to give clear information and guidance on the Student Support Offer. All student-facing staff are encouraged to complete this to ensure they have a full understanding about the services available and the appropriate referral paths for accessing help and support.

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Student Needs Framework

Higher Education Providers (HEPs) want to do the best they can for their students. From the best of motives, the student support landscape has become complicated through the addition of more and more options in the student support ‘menu’, prompted by years of guidance and good practice publications. As a consequence, students can find themselves not knowing where to go to get help and staff may not know how best to support them. Interventions may not be as effective, efficient and joined-up as they could be.

The Student Needs Framework aims to support higher education providers to re-think how they deliver student support by going ‘back to basics’ and considering how their student support offer meets the fundamental needs of students. It has been developed to act as a template for what a re-design could look like and assist HEPs in making decisions about where to start.

We invite members to continue to contribute to the evidence base through contributing case studies and engaging in the AdvanceHE Connect Community (‘Student Support Re-design’).

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A-Z Hallam support services

Select one of the following titles to access additional student support services and guidance. 





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Do your students have caring responsibilities** that affect their studies? Are they a care leaver themselves or have no family to support them whilst at university?

**A carer is someone who provides practical and/or emotional support to an adult or child with an illness, disability, frailty, mental health problems or substance misuse issues.  You can provide support information to your students from the following:


September 2021 – we will be launching Handshake to our students and graduates as the careers platform for searching for job opportunities, including campus jobs, part-time work, placements and graduate roles, as well as for booking careers events. Handshake will be replacing UniHub for all careers activities. We will promoting Handshake to students from September. Learn more about Handshake, how you can use the platform as an academic and how you can support your students. 

Careers Centre 360

Career Centre 360 provides students with interactive online career development tools and resources to help them work towards achieving their career goals.

Visit the Student mentoring section below for details of the Career Mentoring Scheme. 

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Inspirational Student Awards

The Inspirational Student Awards (ISAs) are a way to formally recognise and celebrate our amazing students who have made a real difference to their fellow students, staff, local community, employers and beyond. 

How does being nominated for and winning an Inspirational Student Award (ISA) impact a student? We asked one of Hallam’s 2020 winners, Georgina Thornley, to reflect in this article on our staff news page

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International Students 

The International Experience Team (staff SharePoint site) aims to provide an international experience to all students on campus and support students and staff with guidance and resources.

Student Guidance

  • My Hallam – student guidance for all pre arrival and visa information, airport pick up and orientation and signposting to academic support and post study work.
  • Go Global scheme to support students wider experience. 
  • Drop In for International Students: the International Experience Team are available for a drop-in for general enquiries and visa support – no need to book. Drop in times: Monday – Friday 11am – 12pm and 2pm – 3pm – Zoom room
  • Studiosity: see the Skills Centre section below.  

University English Scheme – the scheme offers a programme of academic English classes for students with English as a second language and who wish to develop their academic English.  Visit the Academic English Library page for details on dates/times and how to access. International students can also self-enrol on the University English Scheme Blackboard site

Staff guidance

Case studies

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Heller Bursary

The Sir Michael and Lady Morven Heller Bursary is an award of between £500 and £2,000 which is intended to financially support students to do something they are passionate about, that is completely outside of their area of academic study and allowing them to express and develop their passions alongside their academic studies.  Find out more about the Heller Bursary and the impact it’s had on Hallam students by watching this short video. 


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Library Services

The Library is here to support every student to achieve academic success and develop as an independent learner throughout their time at Hallam. Sector research has demonstrated a link between outcomes and student engagement with the opportunities offered by libraries (Stone & Ramsden, 2013). The Library is committed to making a difference for every student, no matter their course of study, personal circumstance, or level of skill and knowledge.

The following sections outline the wide-ranging support and expertise we offer to both staff and students, including:

Learning spaces | Skills development | Learning resources and Reading Lists Online (RLOs) | Additional support 


Learning spaces

Both campus libraries are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and provide access to over 2,450 learning spaces. Students can find a quiet or silent area to read or study independently at a desk or on a PC or Mac, or work with course mates in a flexible collaborative space. Learning spaces can be booked online in advance or students can walk in and find the space that is right for what they need. Access the booking system to find out more about our 24-hour learning spaces. The library also offers laptop loans for use with both on and off campus options to support student’s working flexibly. 

Skills development

The library provides students with a comprehensive range of opportunities throughout the academic calendar to develop their information, digital, and study skills.

Academic skills

The Library’s Skills Centre offers inclusive, academic skills development to all students – from getting started on their first assignment through to completing a final-year project or dissertation – through webinars, 1-1 appointments, boot camps and online drop-ins. A full list of session topics and an up-to-date What’s On calendar can be viewed online. Students can also choose to build their academic skills independently, using our wide range of online resources, including Skill Guides, recorded webinars and e-modules.

If you’re supporting a student to develop their academic skills, we recommend starting with the Skills Check. This self-evaluation tool takes around five minutes to complete and creates a personalised action plan for each student, including recommended sessions and resources to fit their skills goals.

Studiosity is available to all Hallam students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – so you can direct your students to anytime, anywhere study skills and academic writing help. 

Students can choose to:

  • Upload an assignment draft for same-day, academic Writing Feedback – receiving detailed feedback and developmental advice on grammar, structure, academic style, language and referencing.
  • Connect Live with a study specialist when they need help ‘right now’ after hours and at the weekend – via typed or voice chat, with access to an interactive whiteboard.

If you have any questions about the Library’s Skills Centre, including the Studiosity service, please contact:

Information skills and referencing

Specialist subject librarians are available to support students with searching, evaluating, and referencing information, and recommending the best resources for assignments. Librarians offer support via 1-1 appointments which can be booked online.

Students will also attend information skills workshops from a librarian as part of their course at Level 4 – this is arranged directly by module/course leaders with the subject librarian for your course.

Referencing is an important part of any assignment, and the library provides a comprehensive guide for students and staff with resources to support teaching referencing. We offer regular workshops to support students with getting started with both APA and OSCOLA referencing, through to more advanced guidance on how to cite specific resources and referencing software. Our full Referencing Guide and links to book workshops are available online. 

Learning resources and Reading Lists Online (RLOs) 

Learning resources

The library provides all students with access to the knowledge they will need for their course. Each student will have reading lists that direct them to the best resources for their subject and when working independently they can access a huge range of including books, journals, specialist databases and media resources. Many resources are available online and can be accessed anywhere anytime, in addition to over 470,000 print books for browsing and borrowing from our campus libraries. Find out about the full range of library services and access resources on the Library Online.

Reading Lists Online

Students can access a reading list online (RLO) for every module they are studying, which guides them to the best resources for their modules. Students can access their module reading lists via their Blackboard module sites. You can also search for Reading Lists Online (RLO) using module titles and module codes.

Module leaders are responsible for managing and updating their reading lists – tips and guidance on how to do this can be found on the Staff guide to RLOs. Your subject librarian can support you to create and develop your RLOs, ensuring you have the best resources for your modules.

We also curate reading lists on a range of political and social issues, including genre fiction to help students unwind and take a break from their academic studies.

The Big Read

To engage both new and returning students with their Library, our Big Read project offers all staff and students a free copy of our chosen book. The project aims to bring our Hallam community together and spark conversations about reading, alongside a full programme of Big Read events throughout the academic year. Find out more about how to get your students involved in the Big Read.

Additional support

In addition to the offer outlined above, we also offer additional support and resources for the following groups:

Disabled students

Students with a learning contract may be entitled to additional support from the library, which is identified as part of the needs assessment when agreeing the learning contract. Visit general information on resources and library access for disabled students.

Distance learners

The library provides a distance learner support service, offering additional services such as postal loans, extended loan periods and digitised readings. This is an opt-in service. Find out more about who is eligible for this service.


The library has specialist support for postgraduate researchers and doctoral students.

Teaching staff

Find out about the support available to support your teaching. 

How students can get help from the library

For any questions or support relating to library services – whether it’s booking a learning space, borrowing a book, referencing, or attending one of our skills sessions – we have 24/7 support available to help.

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Maths and Statistics Support

The free Maths and Statistics Support Service provided at Sheffield Hallam University is for students from any course. Students can get help with any problems they may be having with the mathematical or statistics content of their course, support with any aspect of quantitative research or help with numeracy aptitude tests as part of a job application.

  • Maths support
    • Semester 1: offering maths support as both face to face and online drop-in sessions. Take a look at our Session Times 
  • Statistics Support
    • Currently has a weekly online drop in on Wednesdays 4:00pm – 5:30pm and bookable online appointments but face to face appointments and drop ins will be gradually phased in during the year.  For the latest details see our stats support sessions webpage. Take a look at our new interactive statistical test chooser
  • Visit our website for links to direct key information and our virtual locations which you can print or place directly within your Blackboard site.

If you have any queries, feedback or would like to speak to us about supporting your students, please share this leaflet with your students or contact:

  • Sarah Woodall for maths support at 
  • Ellen Marshall for statistics support
  • Follow us on twitter @SHU_MASS for up to date information about our service. 

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Open Days


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The 2023 Undergraduate Prospectus and Guide to Sheffield are now available for prospective students to order from the ‘study here’ section of the website. These publications will begin to be used at conventions, open days and schools and colleges engagement activities over the coming year. Electronic copies have been made available on the brand section of Bynder, download the 2023 undergraduate prospectus and the 2023 guide to Sheffield and check them out! 

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Remote Learning


Staff guidance

  • This series of 5 minute videos is to support teachers with the (fast) switch to e-learning due to the pandemic. The ideas in the videos are based on principles of ‘good pedagogy’ such as: the pedagogy of care, assessment as learning, feedback for learning, inclusivity.
  • COVID-19 has changed university teaching – 5 things to stick with in the future.
  • Resources for Inspiring Learning – a suite of resources to support the development of practice and promote engagement with inspiring teaching and learning. 

A range of external resources that support students in working independently from home and accessing learning remotely.

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Student Feedback

There are many forms of student feedback methods:

How feedback on Padlet helped David improve his students’ experience – Senior Lecturer in teacher education, David Carr, is one of many dedicated colleagues who regularly uses his students’ feedback to inform his work. 


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Student Funding Team

The Student Funding team aims to remove financial barriers to study through the provision of targeted financial schemes, one-to-one appointments and money skills workshops.

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Student Help and Advice Team

The Student Help and Advice Team is the front face of SHU Student Support Services via self-help, virtual and face-to-face support.  The Student Help and Advice Team is made up of Hallam Help and Student Transition and Welfare. 

SHU Progress – applicant support scheme – support for applicants whose personal circumstances might mean that there are barriers for them going to, or considering university and provides additional support in the year of application and throughout the application process, including transition to becoming a university student. 

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Student-led Withdrawal

This process relates to enrolled students who wish to fully withdraw from their studies, including students who leave within 14 calendar days of their start date (formerly ‘cancelled’).

  • Visit the Academic Services: Student-led Withdrawal SharePoint page for guidance and relevant forms. 
  • Non-engagement – regulation 10 of the Standard Assessment Regulations stipulates that the University can deem a student to be withdrawn based on evidence of their non-engagement.

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Student Mentoring

GROW mentoring scheme

Sheffield Hallam’s pioneering GROW mentoring programme, which pairs Year 10,11 and 13 pupils with Hallam graduate mentors, has been highlighted on the Trevor Phillips on Sunday programme on Sky News. Speaking on the programme, project director, Sue O’Brien, said: “If we want to thrive as a nation, we need to invest in our young people.” Watch the clip from 37.40.

New Beginnings – mentoring for refugees

The New Beginnings Project, run by Voluntary Action Sheffield, supports asylum seekers and refugees’ integration into Sheffield life through volunteering, employment, education, and mentoring. Our staff have for many years mentored people who are settled in the UK and ready to work or study, but we’re now looking for more volunteers to be mentors, as part of our commitment to supporting access to higher education for refugees.  The role is open to all staff with support and guidance available. Mentoring requires a small commitment from you but can make a transformational change in someone’s life. To find out more about what’s involved, please refer to the FAQs

Peer Teaching and Learning

Resources to support student mentoring in respect of peer and peer-led learning.

Student Connect

After a pilot phase in Semester 2 this year, Student Connect is now looking to recruit new student mentors ahead of a larger roll out in Semester 1 of 2021/22. Student Connect is an innovative online platform, provided by the Skills Centre and Studiosity, that connects level 4 students with level 6 mentors and post-grad mentors (who completed their undergraduate study at Hallam). Mentors are paid and receive training on how to provide “help, not answers”. Mentees can select what module they would like support with and are matched to the most appropriate mentor available. To ensure the greatest coverage of modules the mentor pool needs to come from as many courses as possible.

We are asking staff to encourage students to apply to ensure we receive large numbers of applications from a wide range of courses. To find out more please see our Student Connect blog article for staff and students.

Visit the Academic Development and Events page for details of any upcoming events and activities around mentoring. 

Career Mentoring Scheme

Being a mentor can be a rewarding and interesting experience which can also aid your own personal and professional development. Our mentors come from a variety of backgrounds, industries and roles. You’ll use your skills, experience and knowledge to support a student as they prepare to make the transition from education into employment. Whatever the activities you agree with your mentee, we can provide support and resources to help you.

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Student References

Have you been asked to provide a reference for a student? If so, please refer to Governance, Legal and Sector Regulation’s SharePoint site:

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Student Representatives

Do you need help working with your student reps? Visit the university’s Working with Student Reps: an online resource which will provide you with information and advice on areas such as recruiting, training, and supporting both Course Representatives and Department Representatives.

Meet the Student Representatives: Praise Ishola, BTE Officer and Laith Jaafar, SSA Officer and joined by Kaz Gipson, Mature student rep, Ryia Bernard-Jones, BME students’ rep, Zainab Ata, Open Space Rep and Arun Pandey, Dept rep for Management at the December 2020 Course Leader Fest ‘Engaging and Thriving’.  

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Student Wellbeing and Mental Health

Student Wellbeing team’s resource Sitecore website provides guidance to staff and students to help support students with a wide variety of welfare issues. Student Wellbeing Service SharePoint site offers a range of confidential support for your students who experience emotional, psychological or personal difficulties during their time at Hallam, including: 

  • An A-Z of specific issues with recommended advice and support for each.
  • Selection of short videos created by our practitioners on key wellbeing topics
  • What’s on guide highlighting wellbeing events
  • Support for coping during the current pandemic and when self isolating

As a member of Hallam staff, you may also find guidance, information and resources around embedding student mental health and wellbeing into your curriculum using the new Education for Mental Health Toolkit.  

Student Wellbeing Programme

At Sheffield Hallam, we know that our students’ mental health and wellbeing is fundamental to being able to thrive at University and beyond, and the Student Wellbeing Programme is our commitment to this.

Student Space – created by Student Minds to make support more accessible.

Wellbeing Drop Ins

Hosted each Wednesday 2pm – 2.30pm – session can be booked via the UniHub and places are limited to 10 people per session to make the pace more comfortable. Appointments are currently offered remotely by either telephone or via the secure audio-visual platform Zoom – Visit the website and register for support

Group Sessions

Practitioner led group sessions cover a variety of common issues experienced by students. Full details available on the group timetable and are booked via the UniHub

Also visit the Student Support Triangle section above for further guidance on support our students. 

Student mental health

Mental health support at Sheffield Hallam – a My Hallam guide.

Over the last decade there has been a significant shift in the willingness of students to talk about their mental health. The number of UK applicants sharing a mental health condition in their UCAS application has increased by 450% in this time, yet this report shows there is still more work to do to address the myths and stigma around mental health, and to highlight the support available to students in higher education as we find that nearly half of students do not share information about their mental health. UCAS estimates over 70,000 students entered HE in 2020 with an existing mental health condition, but only 49% shared this information with their university or college.  

Take a look at UCAS report on student mental health – starting the conversation and their press report – released 17th June 2021.  

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Students Union

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Last updated: 22nd May 2024 NB