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Course and Module Delivery

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Course and Module Delivery aims to provide you with a range of guidance, information and resources relating to teaching, learning and assessment.

In the first instance, please use our dedicated search list ‘looking for something in particular‘.

This provides you with links to the source of content. Wherever there are multiple sources, these will appear on this page. As part of the development of Academic Essentials, we are working with our stakeholders to bring together all multiple sources of content into one place.

The content here has been curated by a range of stakeholders from across both academic and professional services teams and is managed by the Academic Development & Inclusivity Team.

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Helps you navigate Academic Essentials and provides support with your teaching and learning as well as being an academic member of staff.

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We very much welcome contributions to this resource, suggestions on how we can improve and any other feedback regarding Academic Essentials.


Click on one of the following headings to see more:

Teaching, Learning and Assessment 

Academic Year: 2023/24

Please familiarise yourself with the following updates: 

Academic Year: 2022/23

Portfolio Re-development

Portfolio Plan project: please read the latest update.

March 2023: Portfolio Redevelopment and Revalidation – 2 to 5 year (2021/2022 to 2025/2026) implementation plan

Following detailed work over the last 6 months the implementation plan is now complete and ready for  Feb 23 2-5 year plan.xlsx. The plan includes the sequence of changes we are making to the University’s taught portfolio, including Schemes A,B,C,D, online with a partner and London Campus developments, with the month of key activities being outlined for every department.  A presentation 2-5 year plan communication SLG.pptx which explains how the different parts of our portfolio have been prioritised along with the Governance that is in place for monitoring delivery of the plan. 

The plan has developed following extensive engagement with stakeholders over a 6-8 month period and has taken account of feasibility in terms of our ability to deliver the plan, and evolving College and University priorities. There is some capacity within the plan to embed new business and for discretional change should a business critical reason arise. However, in order for us to deliver on the University’s priorities the plan has to be largely fixed.  The plan provides clarity on key deadlines and as such supports planning within colleges.

Colleges are leading the portfolio redevelopment and pre-revalidation planning along with support from AQS and other Professional Services.  If you have any questions regarding the plan, please contact Philip Wain, College Strategic Business Partner SSA as Implementation Business Partner or Helen Best, Dean Academic Strategy.

Here are some additional portfolio redevelopment course design resources and guidance:

Delivery Models 

Delivery Models project: please read the latest update including a new FAQs page.

The aim of the project is to establish a clear approach to the planning, scheduling, and communication of the learning experience. By taking a consistent and streamlined approach to the operationalisation of module delivery we will ensure that courses can be delivered with clarity of expectations to students and with less administrative burden for staff. Timetabling will be more effective and costing and resourcing will be known and transparent. Clarity of delivery also connects to module viability, student number planning, and decision-making about portfolio and provision. Defining our approach to module delivery and the way in which student learning is structured and delivered will allow greater consistency of an excellent experience for students and staff.  We cannot seek an increase to costs, so this work will need to flex as we move through the consultation and develop our modelling. 

It’s interlinked with all the work that is going on around the quality and sustainability of our taught portfolio to support the growth in targeted areas and prioritise efficiency, sustainability and strategic alignment – ultimately this is about making our provision both attractive to applicants and students, and financially and educationally viable.  ​​​​

Please watch Alison Purvis‘ presentation video, which helpfully summarises the delivery models project


Online learning

Hallam teams up with Higher Ed Partners to expand online provision. We are excited to announce a new partnership with Higher Ed Partners (HEP) to expand access to high-quality online education. With HEP’s expertise, we will be able to reach a broader population of students by increasing the range of courses that are delivered fully online. HEP will support us to optimise content for online learning, attracting qualified students for those courses, and supporting enrolled students through to graduation. 

Diversification of the taught portfolio – Online Programme

As a part of our diversification strategy, we are extending our portfolio into the UK and Global online market to capitalise on our growing reputation as a leading applied and entrepreneurial university, creating resilience in our non-undergraduate income streams. Our vision for an online portfolio is founded on the premise that our online students will feel a part of Sheffield Hallam University and will benefit from our teaching, learning and distinctive Hallam Model, free from the geographical constraint of synchronous on-campus learning.

Student’s request for online learning

The University’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment (LTA) Framework has a vision for an LTA experience that “is characterised by a dynamic in-person experience,” one in which “our excellent applied teaching inspires and challenges our students.”  “Our students use and apply knowledge in critical and creative ways, contributing to society and transforming lives.”  The in-person experience on our campus is a key part of our core offer.  Take a look at the staff guidance on student attendance and engagement and links to the policy  Particular attention is drawn to the following statement: 

“The expectation is that students will attend on-campus and live on-line sessions as timetabled and will engage with all course materials and assessments provided unless they are unable to do so because of illness, disability or other extenuating circumstances.” 

The University will make reasonable adjustments to support disabled students with on-campus activities or to support occasional missed activities through the provision of a learning contract. A learning contract would not typically include an exemption from attendance at on-campus activities, since these are central to the University’s core learning, teaching and assessment offer.  

Planning and delivering your course principles 2022/23

The Teaching delivery: planning and delivering our course principles 2022/23 guidance as outlined below, is for staff in implementing the University Course Delivery Principles during the 2022/23 academic year. This guidance is kept under review and will be updated if and when new information becomes available or circumstances change. Contact the Digital Learning Team for content feedback. 

Teaching sessions

Wherever possible, teaching sessions should not be cancelled, although in exceptional circumstances they may need to be postponed and re-arranged. Decisions should be made locally by departments and communicated to College Leadership teams. There may need to be flexibility for students who can’t attend sessions, with materials provided to support any learning activities missed.

Managers should be as flexible as possible to find ways of ensuring staff are not disadvantaged, and that any impact on service delivery is minimised. Staff who are unable to get to Sheffield by other means can work from home if they are able to, and for those who are campus-based the University’s Time Off policy (section 18) provides useful information which might be an option for some colleagues.

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Each year, the Start of Year: Course Checklist is published and is expected that all course and module leaders use this checklist to prepare for the new semester. This provides key actions and resources.


The Department of Culture and Media is the agreed name for the new department which brings together most subjects previously in the Departments of Media Arts and Communications and Humanities. Charles Mundye is the new Head of Department. Read more about the reasons behind the functional and structural changes and the department’s new subject groupings.  


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Quality Assurance

Sheffield Hallam University is responsible to its students for the quality and standards of its academic provision. External expectations are that the University’s academic standards must meet or exceed UK threshold academic standards and offer high quality learning opportunities to students. These include, curriculum catalogue, validation, modifications, annual review (course improvement plans), periodic review, external examiners, apprenticeships and work-based learning, collaborative and professional statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs).

The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education

The QAA safeguard standards and improve the quality of UK higher education wherever it is delivered around the world. The QAA check that students working towards a UK qualification get the higher education they are entitled to expect. Take a look about their remit and work with HE partners. 


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A-Z of resources to support delivery of your courses and modules 

Academic Advising  | Accessibility  |  Attendance and Engagement  
Campus Teaching  |  Collaborative CoursesCourse PrinciplesCurriculum View (SITS) |  
Evaluation  |  External Examiners (EEs)Group WorkHallam Welcome | Learning Contracts


Academic Advising

Hallam students have an Academic Adviser allocated to them at the beginning of Semester 1/2 and will have contact with them at least 3 times per academic year to discuss their Academic Progression Development – Personal Development and Professional Development. 

Academic Advisers are members of the teaching team within the Colleges and Departments.  If you are an Academic Adviser or support a colleague undertaking this role, you can find a host of guidance, information and resources on

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You need to ensure your course and module materials are accessible to all: 


Attendance and Engagement


The University’s Student Engagement Policy (used to be called Attendance and Engagement) clearly sets out expectations in terms of attendance and engagement and identifies processes whereby students who are not engaging can be offered support in an efficient way across a range of roles and services. 

Attendance monitoring will be using Jisc Data Explorer and is mandated at postgraduate taught, undergraduate, and apprenticeship provisions for the 2023/24 academic year.

  • Colleagues that have never used Jisc Data Explorer before are highly encouraged to join one of our training sessions taking place throughout September and into October 2023.
  • Colleagues that have used Jisc Data Explorer before should familiarise themselves with how to take attendance using Jisc Data Explorer either via our user guide or our screencast.

Please also look at:


University of Kent: digitally enhanced education webinars

A selection of webinars that focus on digitally enhanced education, starting with “How best to engage our students in 2024/25”.


Belong from the beginning: building connections, confidence and inclusion at university. Watch the recording and access resources (password: BELONG22)

To uni I belong: a sense of belonging – measured by quantitative engagement or qualitative feedback – has been strongly associated with academic achievement at university. But what exactly is “belonging”? How do we define it? How do we foster it? And when we do manage to, how can we replicate it elsewhere?

Course Leader Fest

The following were delivered at the ‘Engaging and Thriving’ Course Leader Fest event December 2020: 

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Campus teaching

The Digital Learning Team provide Teaching Delivery: Campus Teaching guidance.  To support you with on-campus teaching and learning also visit:

Collaborative Courses

Further information about collaborative courses can also be found on:

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Course Principles

The Teaching Delivery resources set out the principles  |  pedagogic models blended and flipped learning considerations. 

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Curriculum View 

Is a view of course and module data that is set up and held in our student management system SITS. It allows you to view courses and the validated module diet for a course, modules and the courses a module is delivered on.

April 2024: watch our new video that introduces Curriculum View

News and important announcements Resources and guidance

News and important announcements

The Curriculum View application will only be available on the Staff VPN, on campus on the University network or on the staff remote desktop. Please ensure you are logged in via one of these methods before accessing the application. If you have any difficulties or concerns with the process please contact the IT Service desk.

January 2024

New! Important for action and awareness – start of year schedule for 2024 includes a list of the headline key processing dates and process events taking place.

Resources and guidance

You can search for all modules allocated to a module leader, or all courses allocated to a particular course leader. The allocation of course and module leaders to curriculum view if a self-service model – please follow the who are our course leaders guidance and instructions.


Online Blackboard training module: aimed at academic administration it also contains useful guidance about SITS module records for academic colleagues. Highlights:

  • types of modules and module records  *  viewing student module information in SITS  *  changes to student module records and how to view them  *  creating class lists and reports  *  where nodule data is used in other areas
  • to book your place email  ! SITS Help  with your user code and ask to be enrolled on the Blackboard site for SITS module training (00-Z-S0062-20178). 
  • Academic Services: Curriculum data guidance – for queries about curriculum data. 
  • Student Life Cycle – introduction to student records system (SITS). Book your place via The Core Portal.

SITS Support

The Academic Services SITS Help team provide support for student systems and processes:

  • Visit the SITS Status page and IT Help @ITHelpSHU twitter feed to keep staff users informed of progress during upgrades. 
  • You can also find guidance on changes to the system on SITS annual upgrade changes log.   
  • If you have any queries about the use of the Curriculum Catalogue please contact SITS Help in the first instance – or telephone 0114 225 4475. 

Case studies and presentations

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Evaluation: adapting your delivery 


Student Engagement, Teaching and Learning (SETL)

Evaluation resources

Take a look at the collection of case studies and resources around Evaluation. 


  • Module Evaluation Questionnaire (MEQ): Here you’ll find a range of support, resources and contacts on the comprehensive and systematic process to provide module leaders with anonymous feedback from the students studying their modules.  
  • National Student Survey (NSS): Is the national survey of undergraduate students (to access click on image). Conducted annually it is commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) and independently run by Ipsos MORI. Universities, Colleges and alternative providers take part in the survey.  
    • In July 2021, the National Student Survey (NSS) results were published. In response, the University has developed an NSS Action Plan
    • The NSS 2022 Marketing Tool is a useful ‘one stop shop’ resource containing all you need to brief your students on completing the NSS. 
    • For departmental / course data on NSS results, visit The Source.
  • Student Voice Repository: The Student Voice Repository is a new place for members of the University community to submit and view Student Voice insights from a wide range of sources. Request access to the Student Voice Repository here (MS Teams channel) for access to our monthly bulletins. 
  • Postgraduate Research Experience Survey: Is a national online survey designed specifically for postgraduate research students.
  • Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey: Is a UK-wide survey open to all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with postgraduate taught students and is made available by Advance HE.
  • UK Engagement Survey: Is a national survey, designed and supported by Advance HE and based on the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE).
  • Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union: Each year, the Students’ Union conducts research into the student experience. Most of this research is included in the Student Voice Report. The Student Voice Report is the main lobbying and advocacy tool produced by the Students’ Union. This report establishes clear actions, priorities and goals which can be reached through a joint partnership with students and the University.       

Advance HE: Student Academic Experience Survey (SAES) 2023. Students’ improving academic experience overshadowed by cost of living crisis. SAES 2023 shows students are working harder, have more assignments and are spending more time being taught and in independent learning than last year.

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External Examiners (EE)

AQS External Examiners (EE) – the University appoint EEs who have an essential role to play in the assurance of quality and standards within UK Higher Education.  Here you can find:

  • forms and templates
  • annual reports
  • EE reports and how to respond to them
  • EE course and module allocations
  • SHU staff EE roles 
  • guidance documents and public information

The TEL Help website hosts a range of guidance around External Examiners:

For more guidance on using Blackboard visit Academic Essentials: digital capability, skills and support overview page.

Academic Services: How to find my module external examiner – screencast

Are you looking to become an EE yourself? For details of career enhancement and development visit Academic Development & Inclusion (ADI) academic management and leadership for more details.  

Case Studies

  • Making external examining for for the future: November 2020: Dr Lia Blaj-Ward, senior lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, points to ‘the emphasis on the importance of calibration across the sector’ as the highlight of Advance HE’s external examiner course. Visit Advance HE for more information
  • Reflections of an External Examiner: December 2018: John Freeman, Principal Lecturer, HWB spoke to a group of academic colleagues during an External Examiners workshop about life as an external examiner.  John has undertaken the role of External Examiner for about 12 years, in fact pretty much since John started at Hallam! You can read more about John’s role on the HWB Learning Enhancement pages. 

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Group Work

Policies and Regulations

University’s Rules and Regulations: Examinations and Coursework (website) covers group work policy and procedures. 

Staff teaching resources

Case studies

Student Resources

Online e-Modules

Hosted on Blackboard “SKILLS HUB (2021/22) 00-Z-E0113-20212” – to support students with group work and covers a wide range of topics including the new Presentation Skills e-module. Applicable to all students whereby students can self-enrol. If you’d like to batch enrol students, please contact Nick Russell, Academic Skills Adviser, Library Services.

Group assignments / presentations


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Hallam Welcome

The Hallam Welcome Staff Hub (SP site) is a one stop shop for all things Hallam Welcome.  This site provides information, resources and tool kits for staff across the university to deliver their Hallam Welcome Experience to both new and returning students. Also visit:

Case studies


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Learning Contracts

All students who have a declared disability will have a Learning Contract.  Visit: 


Learning Contracts (recording) – Presented by Catherine McAuley, Senior Disability Adviser and Marissa Hill, Head of SRAC, SAS at the December 2020 Course Leader Fest ‘Engaging and Thriving’.

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Last updated: 19th August 2024 NB