Newsletter focusing on e-learning

The latest edition of D&S’s LTSE newsletter focuses on the use of technology enhanced learning to improve the student experience. Most of the articles are relevant outside of the D&S faculty, so please have a look even if you are in another faculty.  Articles were contributed by a variety of authors across the University. The newsletter covers a…

What is a QR code?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning (view other articles in the series).  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective. Example QR code You’re no doubt familiar with simple barcodes which are a series of lines, of varying thickness, used to represent…

Guidance for using external tools in your teaching

External websites such as social media are increasingly being used for teaching purposes.  Staff doing so often want to take advantage of new opportunities not available inside of Blackboard, use more feature rich versions of tools like blogs or wikis or experiment with opening elements of their teaching or research up to the wider world.  Staff have also used such external…

What is the Remote Desktop?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning (view other articles in the series).  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective. This article continues our look at some local Sheffield Hallam terms by explaining what we mean by Remote Desktop.  The Remote Desktop…

What is the F drive? the G drive?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning (view other articles in the series).  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective. Today we’re looking at the F drive and G drive. One staff member mentioned to us that it was…

Blackboard 9: What’s New channel

One new feature of Blackboard 9 is the What’s New channel, part of the new Module Home Page section.  This channel notifies staff and students about content that has been added recently which is visible to those users.  It also notifies users about unread discussion board messages in both general and group discussion boards.  This…

Digital Fluency Diagnostic Tool Pilot

In light of the refreshing e-learning initiative at Sheffield Hallam, do you want to … be more confident with using technologies? improve your ability to make electronic presentations, including effectively using media? enhance your ability to find and use information resources in your subject area? develop your critical evaluation skills with online information? maintain and…

Event: Enhancing Student Engagement with Feedback

As part of the Higher Education Academy Evidence Based Practice Seminar Series 2010, Sheffield Hallam University is hosting Enhancing Student Engagement with Feedback on Wednesday 17 February 2010, 13.00-16.00. This seminar will share the methods and outcomes of Technology, Feedback, Action!, a 12-month Higher Education Academy funded project undertaken at Sheffield Hallam University investigating the…