Protecting student data when sending emails

All staff received an email this past week about an incident where someone sent a group of students an email using the To: field and their personal email addresses. Personal email addresses and other personal data should not be shared in this way. It is best to send emails using Bcc: (where recipients do not see each…

Resources for getting to know shuspace

The last post told you about the changes to shuspace – the resources to support shuspace are now ready. There’s three short screencasts: covers the main features of shuspace, explains some of the tools and gives a general picture of what it’s for and what you can do there goes into more detail…

Changes in shuspace

This semester there’s a couple of small but significant changes that have happened to shuspace. The top bar on every tab used to just contain the search tool, but following student input, we’ve added other things to improve navigation and access to information… Firstly there’s a link to the directory of practical information. This means…

Don’t forget to make your site available to students!

Hopefully you’ve been able to fully prepare your 2012/3 Blackboard sites so they are ready to use with your students (see key things you need to do to prepare your site).  However some staff forget the crucial last step of making a site available to students.  If you don’t make your sites available, then your students won’t be…

Pasting text from Word documents into Blackboard

Have you ever copied and pasted text from a Word document into Blackboard? If so you may have encountered problems with formatting, as Word tends to add a lot of extra hidden formatting in their documents that causes issues for Blackboard’s text editor and may mean that changing the font size, colour, etc. has no…

Blog/journal name change

At the time of the upgrade we applied a slight change in the terminology used to help clarify the available tools for staff.  Blackboard provides two types of blog tools with different functionality. Please see the new names for these below, along with an explanation of what each does: Shared blogs (formerly called blogs) allow…