Did you know that Smart Views in Grade Centre can help you better manage and navigate the Grade Centre, for example enabling you to see a view of only your group of students rather than the entire cohort? These custom views (based on various criteria and filters that you choose from) can streamline the grading of student submissions and attempts in the Grade Centre, especially where there multiple instructors and a large student cohort.
Smart Views are set up via the Manage Menu in Grade Centre, and the most common used are:
- Course Group – you simply select the name of the group containing your students (you will need to have already created a group containing your students in your module site before using this option)
- User – you choose the names of your students in your group from the cohort list
You can then use the Smart View to see, access and grade attempts for your students. And the easiest way to get to your Smart View is to mark it as a favourite when you create it and it will be added to the list on the Control Panel under Grade Centre. The Grade Centre spreadsheet will display only the students in your group.
When using a Grade Centre Smart View and grading assignment submissions, you can easily navigate between your the students in your Smart View rather than navigating through the entire cohort.

Access your Smart View to grade submissions and easily navigate between each student in that custom view
There are also Smart Views that allow you to view students by their performance (e.g. which students scored a particular mark in a particular assignment) and a custom option allowing you to create a complex Smart View based on multiple rules.
See the self-help article on how to create different grade views of students based on their group, performance on an assignment, or other criteria. If you have any difficulty when creating Smart Views, please contact e-learning support via the Bb-support tab in shuspace as usual.
The ‘Did you know?’ series explores possibilities in e-learning that you may not be aware of. See other articles from the series.
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