Blackboard Upgrade – Some other changes

We have now successfully completed the upgrade of Blackboard. In addition to the changes discussed in earlier blog posts, there are a few other changes worth drawing to your attention. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra/Classic – If last year you set up a Blackboard Collaborate link in your Blackboard site, it will now redirect to the Classic…

Blackboard Upgrade – Interface changes

After the Blackboard upgrade at the end of July, there will be some changes to the interface in Blackboard and shuspace. shuspace is being refreshed as part of the upgrade, with a new banner at the top and a modern look and feel for the channels and tabs. Some of the less used areas have…

Blackboard upgrade – Assessment-related tool changes

As part of the upcoming Blackboard upgrade there are some changes to tools used for assessment and marking that are worth highlighting. Based on data which is being collected by Faculty teams this summer, we will try to create as many summative assessment items in your Blackboard site as we can, including reassessments. This means we…

Blackboard Upgrade – Changes to Blackboard Collaborate

After the upcoming Blackboard upgrade is complete, there will be improvements around using Blackboard Collaborate inside Blackboard sites. Currently staff can only have a single session of Collaborate Ultra. After the upgrade, staff will be able to schedule different sessions in their Blackboard site. Staff and students will also be able to download Collaborate Ultra recordings…

Reminder: Blackboard upgrade 28-30 July

This is a reminder about the Blackboard upgrade taking place at the end of July. The upgrade will start at 6pm on Friday 28th July 2017 and is expected to be completed on the afternoon of Saturday 29th July 2017. However, Blackboard should be considered at risk throughout all of Sunday 30th July, which means…

Blackboard Upgrade Weekend – 28-30 July

This summer’s Blackboard upgrade is scheduled to take place during the weekend 28-30 July 2017. The upgrade will start at the end of the day on Friday, 28th July and continue throughout the weekend. It is predicted that the Blackboard system will be available again by the morning of Sunday the 30th but it should be considered at…

iPad loan service now available

The University recently announced changes to its Equipment Policy to facilitate mobile and flexible working, and support the move to online management of assessment in the University. In addition to the roll out of laptops (as required), it was agreed that a central loan service would be developed to provide academic staff with temporary access…

Turnitin unavailable for maintenance on 3 December

We have been informed that Turnitin will not be available for any purpose on 3 December, 3-7pm due to server maintenance and upgrades to increase capacity. This means students will not be able to submit their work and staff will not be able to access reports during that time period. We apologise for any inconvenience…

Your input needed for the Digital Learning Project

Message on behalf of Dr. Graham Holden and Dr. Alison Purvis, Project Leads for the Digital Learning Project The Digital Learning Project needs input from academics to understand the current realities of teaching and learning with digital technologies at a local level, and to consider what our vision for digital learning should be like. We are…