Minimum expectations for staff use of e-learning

This message has been posted on behalf of Graham Holden, University Head of Teaching, Learning and Assessment:

Technology enhanced learning has increasingly become a part of all our provision at Sheffield Hallam University, with huge increases in the use of Blackboard since its introduction about ten years ago. Recent research into the staff experience of e-learning found that while staff knew that technology enhanced learning was important, they did not always know what was expected by the University in terms of good practice.

To help with this, the University has developed a set of minimum expectations for the use of e-learning. To develop these expectations, we looked at past NSS and Student Barometer comments, reviewed NUS guidance on best practices, surveyed students to clarify their expectations with regards to technology enhanced learning, held workshops with academic staff and reviewed sector best practices in expectations.

These minimum expectations clarify that every module should be supported by a Blackboard site, and include guidance about what, at a minimum, the experience in that Blackboard site should be like. These minimum expectations have been endorsed by the Student Experience, Learning and Teaching Committee.

To help staff meet these minimum expectations, there will be a support page with links to advice and instructions on ways to develop your site to meet each expectation. This support page will circulated within the next week.

Changes to our Blackboard processes are being planned in order to reduce the administrative burden for staff members and help them meet the expectations. To this effect we have launched a consultation on changing to automatically set up Blackboard module sites and populate them with information where possible.

Details of a series of face-to-face sessions about the expectations and the above consultation will be announced shortly. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to contact Brian Irwin, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning.

4 thoughts on “Minimum expectations for staff use of e-learning

  1. Pingback: Sessions to discuss Blackboard automatic site setup consultation « e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

  2. Pingback: Support resources for new minimum expectations of e-learning « e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

  3. Pingback: Minimum Expectations – Video Case Studies | SHU Technology Enhanced Learning team blog

  4. Pingback: Minimum Expectations – Video Case Studies | e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

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