SHUgo 2.0 is here!

SHUgo 2.0 interface screenshot - a black background with sleeker buttons on it

New SHUgo interface, designed by students!

We are pleased to announce that SHUgo version 2.0 is now available for staff and students on iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch). SHUgo is the University’s mobile app, and version 2.0 should be available for Android mobile devices in the next week.

There is a new look to the app, with a black background and sleek buttons which were designed by three students at the University as part of a student competition to design the SHUgo interface. The new version also fixes a bug where some users could not access their Blackboard sites inside the app. We apologise this took so long to fix.

New features we have added in version 2.0 include student access to their email and google calendar, more news feeds and a new library interface. We are currently developing the capability for students to synchronise their timetable with their google calendar. As soon as this is working they will be able to access their timetable through SHUgo. We know that timetabling in SHUgo is something many students want as it is one of the most popular feature requests we’ve had.  Some staff have also said they would like to be able to connect their timetable to their calendar. Unfortunately this is not possible yet but there are people investigating this as a future possibility.

Many students also want to be able to get their Blackboard site grades via SHUgo.  This might be possible starting next summer, but it won’t be available before then unfortunately.  We apologise but there are some technical compatibilities we need to sort out first to ensure that some students cannot see their grades and feedback before it is released in the web interface.

QR Code for iOS

QR Code for iOS

Unfortunately there have been difficulties in developing the Blackberry version of SHUgo and we are unclear when those can be resolved. There are some differences with the Blackberry operating system which means we can’t embed most of the features like maps or Blackboard sites directly into the app yet. You can however download the Blackboard mobile app for free and start accessing your Blackboard sites immediately on your Blackberry, without the rest of SHUgo.

See the SHUgo FAQ for more info

3 thoughts on “SHUgo 2.0 is here!

  1. Pingback: SHUgo 2.0 « LIS Update

  2. Pingback: SHUgo 2.0 now available for Android phones « e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

  3. Pingback: Changes to Blackboard blogs and wikis - Technology Enhanced Learning Matters

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