The Hallam Model

Developing a distinctive curriculum

In April and May 2019, we consulted with you on a draft set of six principles that outline the distinctive, applied learning experience for Hallam students.

We received significant feedback from academic and professional services colleagues, as well as from students and graduates, testing whether the principles reflected a truly distinctive offer,  exploring alternative ideas and uncovering some potential unintended consequences.

Based on this feedback, the Hallam Model principles have been further refined to capture the commitment we are making to design a distinctive curriculum that is delivered consistently across the University.

The Hallam Model principles

The University’s curriculum design principles ensure excellence in the way we deliver our mission to become the world’s leading applied university. They are simple, clearly expressed and shape all we do. Each principle has a designated task and finish group which will be led by members of the Steering Group, to develop and deliver a coherent framework for the implementation of the Hallam Model principles.

  1. Engage
    Learning engages with the world beyond the University.
    The University provides engagement opportunities for all students through work-based learning, placements, embedded digital capabilities and structured programmes which provide services to the community beyond the University. Every course engages students with local, national and global contexts.
  2. Challenge
    Learning  is intellectually stretching.
    The University embeds intellectual challenge by engaging students with real-world problems, at the cutting edge of research and practice both in the UK and globally.  Every course provides opportunities to generate, deploy and challenge research-based knowledge in ways which address societal issues.
  1. Collaborate
    Learning with, from and alongside others.
    The University embeds collaboration by ensuring that all courses provide opportunities for students to work in teams, to develop entrepreneurial capabilities, and to explore beyond disciplinary boundaries. Opportunities to collaborate with partners locally and globally will be embedded in every course.
  1. Thrive
    Learning enables students to thrive personally, culturally and professionally.
    The University ensures that all students are offered a curriculum which drives personal success through comprehensive induction and transition activities, well-planned courses which build progressively on earlier achievement, with well-designed and appropriate assessment.

Related projects

The Hallam Model is one of the University’s most ambitious initiatives but importantly, it does also connect with a number of complementary strategic projects that are already underway.

Implementing the Hallam Model principles

The Hallam Model covers academic curriculum; co-curricula and extra-curricula activities.The principles will be embedded across the University in all foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses, whether that’s full-time, part-time, distance learning or apprenticeship study, as part of a structured process, specifically through;

  1. Course Approval: Every new course is required to demonstrate compliance with the Hallam Model audit tool in order to gain approval.
  2. Course Improvement: The Hallam Model audit tool is integrated into the University’s quality improvement cycle, where all existing courses must demonstrate progress towards compliance.
  3. Staff Development: A comprehensive programme of development for new and existing staff underpins the implementation of the model – with on-going training and support geared around the model.
  4. External Advice: The already established departmental external advisory board will help to ensure that the curriculum remains relevant to the external context.
  5. Course Documentation: The principles should be set out, in an approved format, on the first page of every course guide for a course.
  6. Underpinning infrastructure: All teaching and curriculum support technologies and processes will reinforce the Hallam Model principles.

Elements of the Highly Skilled Employment step-change project will contribute to the delivery of the four principles, particularly Engage.

What next?

Identifying the design principles which will underpin our distinctive curriculum offer was the important first step, but now we need to fully develop what they mean in practice across every course, being both innovative and realistic in this critical implementation phase.

Forthcoming events:

More events TBC soon

Your role

The Hallam Model provides a framework that helps us to clearly articulate how our vision, to be the world’s leading applied university, translates into practical applied learning that helps us to transform the lives of our students.

Academic and professional colleagues have a role to play in how we embed and deliver on our promise to students. We will be engaging with many of you throughout the implementation process.

Get in touch

Please contact the Hallam Model team on ! Hallam Model (or externally at if you have any feedback or ideas, or want to be involved.

This slide deck and Word document provides a summary of the above and can be used as appropriate in presentations/meetings across the University.