Wi-Fi and health risks

Staff have expressed concern on occasion, over exposure to the radiation from W-Fi networks in the University.

Wi-Fi networks operate by transmission of Radio Frequency (RF) signals, which are at frequencies very similar to those used in other devices such as televisions, FM radios and mobile phones. The strength of the exposure is likely to be very much lower than that received from the use of a mobile phone, and there is currently no conclusive evidence that mobile phones present a significant health risk, despite many research studies over the years.

Based on current knowledge, and in accordance with the latest advice from the Health Protection Agency (HPA), there is no significant risk to human health from wi-Fi networks.

Further information is available on the staff intranet page https://staff.shu.ac.uk/HealthandSafety/wifi.asp

For information about other types of radiation, see https://staff.shu.ac.uk/HealthandSafety/radiationtypes.asp