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Academic Contacts and Communications

You are here: Academic Essentials > Academic Contacts and Communications

Academic Contacts and Communications aims to provide you with a range of guidance, information and resources
relating to how we communicate with our academic community and who you can contact across the university
regarding all teaching, learning and assessment. 

In the first instance, please use our dedicated search list ‘looking for something in particular’.

This provides you with links to the source of content. Wherever there are multiple sources, these will appear on this page. As part of the development of Academic Essentials, we are working with our stakeholders to bring together all multiple sources of content into one place.

The content here has been curated by a range of stakeholders from across both academic and professional services teams and is managed by the Academic Development & Inclusion Team.


Group of diverse people

Academic Staff Contacts Academic Communications



Academic Staff Contacts

University Executive Board   |  SLG and assistants  |  College / Departmental   |  Research  |  Academic Leadership RolesAll staff contacts 
Academic Development & Inclusion (ADI) Team  |  Business Engagement, Skills and Employability (BESE)  |  Student Experience, Teaching and Learning (SETL)
Student and Academic Services (SAS)  | 
SHU Parent and Carer Staff Network


University Executive Board (UEB)

University Executive Board – to ensure that an appropriate level of consideration is given to strategic decisions, that there is accountability for those decisions and that effective leadership of and communication with staff across the University is achieved.

Senior Leadership Group (SLG) and assistants – contacts

Here we have a list of SLG staff and their assistants’ contacts details.

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College /Departmental 

Please refer to the College Structure: new September 2024 sheet for up to date details.


Research staff – within our Research and Innovation areas.  

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Academic Leadership Roles


Academic Adviser

Visit Support for course and module delivery overview for more details. 

Course Leaders

Visit Academic Development & Diversity: Course Leadership – support and development programme.

External Examiners

Visit Academic Development & Diversity: External Examining – development programme.

Module Leaders

Visit Academic Development & Diversity: Module Leadership – support and development programme.

All staff contacts

  • You can find phone numbers and more details about staff in the Office 365 ‘People Search’ on the staff intranet and in other Microsoft applications. 
  • You can still find external email addresses in the format <name> if you need to, but these sit separately – in the old staff details search. You’ll find them by clicking the ‘Search more’ button on the intranet home page, please note that you will need to connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to use the staff details search tool.
  • More guidance is available on the intranet home page.   

About our staff – information about the people within the Hallam community. You can create your own academic and research staff profile – visit the staff profiles guidance SharePoint page for more details. 

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Academic Development and Inclusion Team (ADI)

Part of the Student Experience, Teaching and Learning (SETL) Directorate, the Academic Development & Inclusion Team provides academic workforce development and support to enable the delivery of effective and inclusive pedagogic and academic practices. Contacts:

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Business Engagement, Skills and Employability (BESE)

The Directorate of Business Engagement, Skills and Employability (BESE) comprises of three specific work streams:

  • Business Operations and Delivery
  • Business Engagement and Growth
  • Academic Strategic Employability

These work streams manage a variety of services and you can see who’s who on the BESE Structure chart

Student Experience, Teaching and Learning (SETL)

The Directorate of Student Experience, Teaching and Learning (SETL) comprises of four specific work streams:

You can contact the members of the leadership team individually or via their shared email account SETL teaching and learning operations

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Student and Academic Services (SAS)

Student and Academic Services (SAS) brings together: 

  • Academic Services – comprises a central Registry aligned with an Academic Administration service distributed across the academic departments of the University. Registry comprises three elements (Registry Operations, Student Systems and Reporting, Student Policy and Compliance) which together are responsible for student lifecycle processes, co-ordination of user functionality, process delivery and meeting external stakeholder requirements.
    • Academic Administration – promotes consistency and a holistic, end-to-end approach to supporting the student experience. The Service is led by Helen Aram, Head of Academic Administration and Sue Hughes, Deputy Head of Academic Administration. 
  • Library and Campus Services
  • Student Support Services
  • Technical Operations, Resources and Services (TORS)

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SHU Parent and Carer Staff Network

The Parent and Carer network at Sheffield Hallam University aims to help working parents and carers maximise their potential and to drive positive change within the university. You can join the Network and receive their monthly newsletter which outlines news, events and activities. Contact the team at for further information. 

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News items that provide a useful reminder of enrolment information to you and our academic colleagues.

SAScade – Student and Academic Services (SAS)

The Student and Academic Services (SAS) directorate publish their own newsletter SAScade each month that highlights activities from the various teams within SAS. 

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SITS communications

Academic Services compile a:

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University’s Internal Communications Team

The Recruitment, Communications and Marketing Team can work with you to provide strategic communications direction and planning. They create and manage key messages and delivery through central channels for major projects and campaigns. Their Internal Communications Toolkit provides you with practical resources to get you started and here you can make contact with the team.

Take a look at all the central communications channels the team use to circulate messages to both staff and students, which include:

Writing for The Conversation

The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, written by the academic and research community. Editors work with university experts to unlock knowledge for use by the media and wider public – through comment on topical news stories or publication of new research. 

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Last updated: 18th September 2024 NB