New in Blackboard: Test improvements

This article is part of a series of articles explaining the new features and changes that will be introduced as part of the Blackboard upgrade coming up 20-21 July. As part of the upgrade, there are various improvements being introduced to the Blackboard test feature. This feature allows you to set up multiple choice, multiple…

New in Blackboard: Assignment changes

This article is part of a series of articles explaining the new features and changes that will be introduced as part of the Blackboard upgrade coming up 20-21 July. The upgrade will be the next step in transitioning the Blackboard online submission tool from SHU Assignments, a custom Sheffield Hallam tool, to the default Assignment tool Blackboard…

Reflections on TEL sessions at Assessment Week

Stuart Hepplestone facilitated a number of sessions during the Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May 2012). These development sessions examined good practice for integrating assessment and feedback in the curriculum through the use of technology: Using e-learning technologies to facilitate effective feedback practices [presentation] Participants worked in small groups to identify the appropriate use…

TEL sessions at Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May)

Stuart Hepplestone is running a number of sessions at next week’s University Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May 2012). The sessions that Stuart will be facilitating are designed to be a mix of both practical hands-on and provide opportunities for discussion with colleagues about their experiences and generate ideas for the application of technology to support assessment…

New twitter feed for IT Help news

The IT Help service now has its own twitter feed, which it will be using to point out information and self-help guidance about IT to staff and students. Look there for tips on getting the most out of the software the University provides. Follow them on twitter at @ITHelpSHU, or look at the right menu bar of…

New look for the shuTech student blog

The shuTech student blog was launched last February as a resource to provide support and information on the use of technology to improve the student experience. It is student-led, with the content written by two student e-learning assistants, Holly and Andy, and it is aimed directly at Hallam students. The blog has recently undergone a…

Research: A literature review about using technology to encourage student engagement with feedback

This journal article by Sheffield Hallam academics is a literature review of the past decade’s research into technology’s role in encouraging student engagement with feedback. This includes where technology releases feedback to students quickly, generates feedback automatically, and encourages action based on that feedback. This literature review was initially created as part of the HEA-funded Technology,…

Mobile Learning Challenge announcement

We’ve found out about a UK-wide mobile learning challenge that staff and students may be interested in.  The deadline is 14 September to enter.  Details below: The International Association for Mobile Learning (IAMLearn) and Epic have announced a Mobile Learning Challenge with a £1000 prize. The Mobile Learning Challenge is searching for innovative and visionary solutions for learning using…

Which browser should I use in Blackboard and shuspace?

There’s an increasing amount of web browsers (software programmes that allow you to view web sites) available to use.  The most popular browser has been Internet Explorer for many years, but there are other browsers that are growing in popularity, particularly due to the growth of mobile devices which have their own browsers.  Firefox and Chrome are two browsers…