Digital Fluency Diagnostic Tool Pilot

In light of the refreshing e-learning initiative at Sheffield Hallam, do you want to … be more confident with using technologies? improve your ability to make electronic presentations, including effectively using media? enhance your ability to find and use information resources in your subject area? develop your critical evaluation skills with online information? maintain and…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 6: Administrative Convenience

This is the last in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 5: Student Ownership of their Learning

This is the fifth in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…

Sessions for 1-12 March

The following are upcoming staff development opportunities for 1-12 March: Models of embedding e-learning into the curriculum Monday 1 March, 11am-12pm, Owen 920, City campus – Book now Online approaches to enhancing student feedback Wednesday 3 March, 10am-12pm, Furnival 9138, City campus – Book now Models of embedding e-learning into the curriculum Thursday 4 March, 3-4pm, Learning Centre C105a, Collegiate campus –…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 4: Authentic Learning Opportunities

This is the fourth in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…

Course and Module Planning Guidance

To help assist with the process of planning the role of e-learning in courses and modules there are now two guides for staff.  The guides can also be used to help reflect upon your current e-learning practice and develop changes in your module.  The guides focus on key areas relating to e-learning and ask a…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 3: Extending Interaction Beyond the Classroom

This is the third in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…

Sessions for 15-26 February

The following are upcoming staff development opportunities for 15-26 February: Enhancing student engagement with feedback Thursday 17 Feb, 1-4pm, City campus – Please email bookings to Davina Small ( How do our students use technology in their learning? Monday 22 Feb, 11am-12pm, Main Building D001, Collegiate campus – Book now Why do we do e-learning?…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 2: Flexibility

This is the second in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…