Learning & Teaching Conference deadlines extended

The deadline for submitting to the Learning & Teaching Conference has been extended to Monday 16th April 2012. If you want to share your practice in technology enhanced learning with the University, please submit something! The University’s Learning & Teaching Conference provides an opportunity to explore the future of HE. The conference welcomes submissions from…

Call for papers: HERSG 2012 Annual Conference

The HERSG conference has a strand on pedagogy and technology-enhanced learning this year, so staff interested in technology enhanced learning may want to share their practice at the conference, and we are highlighting the call for proposals that has been sent out: HERSG 2012 Annual Conference Making Higher Education Count: Pedagogies for post 2012 June…

Upcoming session: Online problem-based learning

19 April, 12-1, led by Chrissi Nerantzi, Education Developer at the University of Salford Chrissi Nerantzi is visiting Sheffield Hallam on 19 April, and has agreed to lead a session on her knowledge of online Problem-Based Learning (PBL) practices. In this session participants will explore the benefits and challenges of cross-institutional learning using a PBL approach and hear findings from…

Change to Assignment submission tool in Blackboard

This summer we are planning to transition our Blackboard online submission tool from SHU Assignments, a custom Sheffield Hallam tool, to the default Assignment tool Blackboard provides. This is being done to ensure that we can take advantage of current and future enhancements to the online submission, grades and feedback features of Blackboard. More details…

Social media guidelines now available

Social media are channels that “allow users to share information about themselves and their interests” (Cunnane, 2010). These include sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube. These channels are reasonably new to the world, and the effects of interacting with them are not always clear to users. To help address this, we now have guidelines about…

Volunteers wanted for feedback on LTA self-help tool

The Technology Enhanced Learning team are looking at different approaches to improving the way staff access quality, online self help information with a focus on supporting learning, teaching and assessment (LTA). The starting point for the project has been to identify resources currently available across the University, initially concentrating on assessment and feedback, employability, inclusive practice…

Call for proposals – University Learning and Teaching Conference

Staff interested in technology enhanced learning may want to share their practice at our University-wide learning and teaching conference, so we are repeating the call for proposals that went out via email: The University’s Learning and Teaching Conference will take place on Wednesday 11th July. Its main theme is “Higher Expectations:  Meeting our Students’ Expectations…

Upcoming session: Problem based learning in an online environment

28 March, 12-1, led by Heidi Probst, as part of the HWB distance learning seminar series To develop entrepreneurial skills on a new module for advanced (or aspiring advanced) practitioners in a specialist radiotherapy field it was felt that a Problem Based Learning approach would be most appropriate. However, for busy working practitioners studying remote…

Changing shuspace link: SHU regulations and codes

Please note this message from IS&T, as you may need to change links on your Blackboard site if you are directly linking to the SHU regulations and codes page from your Blackboard site: The current SHU regulations and codes pages on shuspace have been replaced by a new set of pages entitled Academic Regulations and…