Case study: Promoting learner autonomy through media production and presentations

A male student holding a flip camera in front of a computer, with two female students around him looking at it. They appear to be talking.

Flip=Teamwork (by theunquietlibrary)

In this case study, Engineering students worked in teams to develop multimedia presentations around one of two research topics. The previous way of teaching the material did not engage students particularly well, so the module team hoped that the hands on aspects of multimedia production would help engage students, open up a creative dimension and increase learner automony.  Their final work was presented at a conference to the whole cohort which included industry experts. The presentation event was viewed as a celebration of their achievement.

Students felt the new approach gave them confidence, practical skills, and helped them engage with the materials better. The module team was happy to report a 15% increase in the first time pass rate on the module too.

You can read more about this approach in the two-page case study entitled: Promoting learner autonomy through media production and presentations

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