Did you know? Students and personal email addresses

Did you know that now students can have their Blackboard emails automatically forwarded to another email address, such as a personal or work email?

Checking email by Photo4jenifer (on Flickr)

Checking email by Photo4jenifer

One frequent question from staff over the years has been if students can choose to receive Blackboard emails at an account other than their SHU email address.  As part of last summer’s email upgrade to Google Mail, they now can.  In particular mature and part-time students seem to have more established routines about what email addresses they check, and would prefer that their SHU emails also go to another account, such as a personal account.

Students can find instructions on how to configure their SHU email account to forward messages to another address at: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=10957

The ‘Did you know?’ series explores possibilities in e-learning that you may not be aware of.  See other articles from the series.

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