Summary from the May Board
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Digital Story
Dina Hashem, Shaping Futures graduate intern shared her digital story with the Board. Dina shares her experience of being a Hallam student and in her final year starting to think about her career options, drawing on the support of our Careers Connect service.
Delivering the step change programme – Highly Skilled Employment (HSE)
Simon Thompson, Head of Student and Graduate Employability, provided an update on the progress of the HSE step change initiative. It was recognised and gratefully appreciated that a significant amount of work has taken place to implement significant curriculum change at speed, with the Assistant Deans for Student Experience, colleagues in Faculties, Academic and Quality Services (AQS) and Venture Matrix.
Delivering the step change programme – Student Experience and Teaching Quality
- Neil McKay, Dean of Students confirmed work is progressing well and running to agreed deadlines. All departments have submitted their action plans which will be reviewed in detail by the project team. Simultaneously a review of policies relevant to this area is also being conducted.
- Leopold Green, Head of Academic Quality & Standards and Rebecca Hodgson, Assistant Dean for Student Experience (ADSE) (Joint) Social Sciences and Humanities presented the Board with the revised University Grade Descriptor following the completion of the consultation process and subsequent amendments. The Board approved the proposal for implementation for all level 4 modules from September 2019 (where exemptions need not apply). The ADSEs will disseminate the details to Departments, ensuring additional implementation guidance is provided.
The Hallam Model
Kevin Kerrigan, PVC Enterprise and SBS and Elaine Buckley, Interim Assistant Dean for Academic Development, presented an update to the Board. Over 300 of our students and staff have engaged with the Hallam Model stakeholder consultation workshops. The initial draft principles have been refined, and a finalised version is going to our University Leadership Team (ULT) for consideration. Further stakeholder engagement and communication activity to inform the design work continues throughout May and June.
Ashley Hopps, Head of Space Resources and Timetabling, advised the board that Academic Timetabling Leads have been appointed in each department and positive early meetings have taken place to discuss data collection for the timetable.
- The University has recently procured a timetable calendar portal, which enables students to view their teaching and examinations timetable in the same place. This is due to be launched during semester one of the 2019/20 academic year
- Once available, the calendar portal will provide staff with a view of course level timetables
- A resource booker has been launched which allows students to book university meeting rooms
Healthy Hallam, Healthy Future
Claire Gandy, Director of Student Support Services, presented a paper to the Board proposing the creation of a Student Wellbeing programme that complements the Staff Wellbeing Programme. The proposed programme is built on 6 Action Areas identified using the UUK Step Change Framework and Enhancing Student Wellbeing Australian model. The Board were in support of the proposals and have requested some further actions to progress the work and to bring back an implementation plan to a future Board.
Access and Participation Plan
A task and finish group is currently working on the plan and undertaking discussions with key stakeholders. The plan is to be submitted to the Office for Students (OfS) by Monday 1 July. Expectations for the plan are significantly different this year, as a more strategic data and outcome informed approach is required over a five year period. Following reporting to ULT, a fully formed plan will come back to the board in June.
Technology strategy
Richard Calvert, Chief Operating Officer, and Libby Wilson, Director of Transformation explained the aim is to develop a clear long term vision over the next three to five years for the technology strategy, in support of the university’s ambitions and the transforming lives strategy. The plan still requires further development and will return to Shaping Futures Board in the near future.
You can download this as a one page summary document here