Training for all staff on the Prevent Duty

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, places a duty on higher education institutions, amongst others, to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism (the “Prevent Duty”). Universities also have a general legal duty to secure freedom of speech on campus, within the law. The below info from HROD include details of the Prevent Duty training, to be completed by all staff.

The Sheffield Hallam Prevent Course provides an overview for staff on the Prevent Duty and focuses on raising general awareness of Prevent amongst all staff.

The course is for all staff to complete and is delivered in two ways – via an e-learning module and via a workshop. The material in the e-learning module and the workshop is the same, so staff won’t need to complete both.

The E-Learning module takes 20 minutes to complete. Please contact Richard Hughes who will set up access to the module for you, your team or your department.

The workshop is an hour-long interactive session and provides the opportunity for staff to discuss the key issues in the Prevent duty. Places can be booked via CORE Portal. Sessions are currently scheduled for:

  • Thursday 21 June, 1000-1100
  • Tuesday 10 July, 1400-1500