New support offer for disabled students

As part of the move towards a more inclusive provision, the University has developed a new range of support activities which will be easily accessible for any student who discloses a disability. The new provision will be available, to any student who discloses a disability to the University, regardless of their engagement with the DSS team.

Changes in government policy last year have resulted in the University taking the decision to no longer manage the provision of Disabled Student Allowances-funded (DSA) one-to-one study skills tutors, mentors and assistive technology trainers. Students who need this provision have been transferred to external support worker providers.

The Disabled Student Support team will continue to provide learning contracts; support students applying for Disabled Student Allowances (DSA) and continue to provide note takers, practical support assistants and exam support workers in-house.

Further information for staff advising students can be found on the LSSS blog.