27 March 2018

Key discussion points and outcomes


Research Platforms
Wayne Cranton presented a paper to the board informing on the proposed three Research and Impact platforms:

  • Healthy Independent Lives
  • Thriving inclusive communities
  • Future economy

The placeholders were well received and it was noted that the Research Operations Group will be discussing the proposals in more detail. It was noted that there was a need for a detailed engagement plan that looked at communication around the platforms for staff/students and all stakeholders with examples of where they combine with all aspects of pedagogy and that the platforms would be dynamic over time but stability was important to provide focal points. Wayne confirmed that mapping areas of strengths is underway.

The Board agreed to endorse the paper.

Creating Knowledge Implementation Plan (CKIP) Senior Responsible Officers (SRO)
The Board received the paper informing on the SROs alligned to the goals of CKIP.

Goal Goal Senior Responsible Officer
Establish 3-5 Research and Impact Platforms: areas of focus in which we are, or have the potential to be, worldclass Professor Wayne Cranton
Build a Strong Research and Knowledge Exchange Culture Professor Steve Johnson* (initially Davina Porock)
Increase Research and Knowledge Exchange income Professor Peter Wells
Deliver economic, social and cultural impact Professor Davina Porock* (initially Steve Johnson)
Ensure research enriches the student learning and translation into practice Professor Doug Cleaver

*Exchange of responsibilities approved at April Board.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Record of the meeting on 27 February 2018
  3. Research Platforms
  4. Creating Knowledge Implementation Plan (CKIP) Senior Responsible Officers
  5. Creating Knowledge Budget
  6. Platform and Care2050 mandate
  7. RIO Horizon Scanning mandate
  8. Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology
  9. Quality Related (QR) Allocation model
  10. Global Challenges Research Fund
  11. Creating Knowledge Conference Programme (CKCP)
  12. AOB


John Leach (Chair), Claire Boot, Doug Cleaver, Wayne Cranton, Anita Gurney, Steve Johnson, Ann Macaskill, Davina Porock, Lloyd Snellgrove, Peter Wells, Nicola Woodroofe, Raela Chambers – (Minute Secretary) and guests presenting items.