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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

You are here: Academic Essentials > Equity, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EEDI)

Equity, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EEDI)  aims to provide you with a range of guidance, information and resources relating to EEDI teaching, learning and assessment as well as staff support.

In the first instance, please use our dedicated search list ‘looking for something in particular’.

This provides you with links to the source of content. Wherever there are multiple sources, these will appear on this page. As part of the development of Academic Essentials, we are working with our stakeholders to bring together all multiple sources of content into one place.

The content here has been curated by a range of stakeholders from across both academic and professional services teams and
is managed by the Academic Development & Inclusion Team.


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Helps you navigate Academic Essentials and provides support with your your teaching and learning as well as being an academic member of staff.


Email the ADI Team.

We very much welcome contributions to this resource, suggestions on how we can improve and any other feedback regarding Academic Essentials.


Sheffield Hallam University is committed to advancing equality of opportunity, experience and outcome, ensuring that students and staff realise their full potential. This is reflected through the University’s values of inclusion and supportiveness, with equity, equality, diversity and inclusion acting as key enablers to the University Strategy.   Here we present the wide range of EEDI related guidance and information for all staff at Hallam.


Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) at Sheffield Hallam 

Sheffield Hallam University: A Culture of Inclusion​​​​​​​ 

Objectives and awards

New podcast: Meet the new EEDI team (11 mins)
Listen to a short interview with the new Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team in this latest episode of the Inclusive Hallam podcast.
Hear more about the new team, their work, and vision for a more inclusive community here at Sheffield Hallam. 


  • ​​​​​​​New! We’ve published our Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) report. This shares our progress in enhancing inclusion and belonging for staff, students and stakeholders over the last academic year.
  • Our Equality Objectives 2021-24 embody the university’s ambition to create a transformational and aspirational culture of inclusion for all students and staff. We are proud of the rich diversity of our Hallam community, and value a culture where every individual can succeed and thrive.
  • Sheffield Hallam University has been named University of the Year at the UK Social Mobility Awards in recognition of its work to advance social mobility through higher education (HE).  Add the logo to your university email signature.

Equalities Act, policies and regulations

The Equality Act 2020 outlines the nine protected characteristics and the Equality and Human Rights Council (EHRC) provide guidance on further and higher education and further and higher education technical guidance.  Take a look at:



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A-Z of EDI resources and guidance 

Building an Inclusive Teaching and Learning Culture

We see ourselves as being part of, and supporting colleagues within, a community which brings together all stakeholders to consider the shared goals and common interests of inclusion and belonging. Our role is primarily aimed at building on and developing sector-leading, transdisciplinary approaches to enhancing teaching excellence and an excellent student experience.

We aim to think inclusively in relation to everything we do and through embedding the outcomes this into our practice we will spread and grow a culture of inclusive thinking more widely. We produce and collate resources  to support staff in taking their own development forward.

Select one of the following titles for more information. 



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Also visit Disability section below.

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Degree Awarding Gap

The Degree Awarding Gap resources have been designed to help you to understand more about the degree awarding gap, also called the degree attainment gap, between white and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BME students), the causes of the gap, and what can be done to reduce and then eradicate the gap. 

Also visit Race Equity below. 

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Our disability resources are hosted under the following categories:

  1. Teaching and Learning
  2. Student Support
  3. External Resources
  4. Staff Support  

Teaching and Learning

Please visit:

Student Support

SHU’s Disabled Student Support Team recommends reasonable adjustments through the provision of learning contracts and the delivery of specialist services. They play a key role in raising awareness of the legal obligation to anticipate the support requirements of disabled students and we promote the development of Inclusive Practice.  Visit:

External Resources

  • Disabled Students' CommissionWeb Accessibility Initiative WAI: read their guidance on How People with Disabilities Use the Web. This resource introduces how people with disabilities, including people with age-related impairments, use the Web.
  • Disabled Students UK:
  • Advance HE:
  • Guide Dogs: sighted guiding training.  Teaches you how to guide a person with sight loss, with confidence, skill and empathy.  Much like learning how to perform first aid, sighted guiding is a useful life skill. It will give you the confidence to know how to act when you meet someone who is blind or partially sighted, and the guiding techniques to help them if they need it. 

Also visit Accessibility section above. 

Staff support

The HROD: Disability in Employment SP site provides information and support on disability for all employees and managers and we encourage employees who have a disability or long term health condition to read our range of employee guidance and talk to their line manager about any support they may need to help them carry out their role. Staff disability network

Visit the Staff Disability Network website (SPARK) for more details on support for staff.  In the latest Inclusive Hallam podcast, Sam Coulby, HROD, interviews Jaira Warner, co-chair of Spark!, the staff disability network. Jaira discusses their own disability and what Spark! is doing to influence positive change across the University – listen to the podcast now

Podcast: disability in the workplace

With only 1 in 2 people with disabilities in work compared to 4 in 5 non-disabled people, there are still barriers in the workplace for the 41 million people with disabilities in the UK.

Join presenter Steven Copsey, guests Nathan Stephens and Natalie Clegg, and Carol Buchanan, Senior Inclusion & Diversity Consultant at Inclusive Employers, as we get an insight into the experiences of physically disabled people in the workplace (and society).

We offer advice to employers to support disabled colleagues, as we build an understanding of barriers disabled people may have when looking for work and building successful careers.


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Gender Equality

Ensuring that we have a genuine, abiding and enduring commitment visit HROD: Gender Equality SP site for details of working practices which are a fundamental part of our culture.

Athena Swan

Hallam’s Bronze Athena SWAN award renewed! We are pleased to announce that our Athena SWAN Bronze Award has been renewed following a successful application submission. Athena SWAN (Scientific Women’s Academic Network) is AdvanceHE’s recognised charter mark that is dedicated to improving gender equality. Read on to find out more about Hallam’s dedication to gender equality.

Visit one of the following resources to learn more:


Welcome to HROD: Bi Visibility Day SP site. Bisexual is the umbrella term to describe a romantic and/or sexual attraction to more than one gender. Other terms under this umbrella include, but are not limited to: bisexual, pansexual and queer. Being bisexual should not be confused with being attracted to both men and women.


Welcome to HROD: LGBTQ+ home at Hallam SP site – a place to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and other related identities, raise awareness and promote equality in this area. 


Pan Visibility Day is on May 24th and is a day to celebrate and recognize those who identify as pansexual. Visit HROD Pansexuality Visibility Day SP site for more details. 


Inclusive Hallam: Being trans, my story
As part of our celebration of LGBTQ+ pride, Avery Hubbard (Senior Administrator in the College of Business, Technology and Enterprise) shares their story of coming out as trans non-binary, and how they’re now working to help Hallam become a more supportive community for trans students and staff – listen to the podcast here.

Trans awareness week: 13th – 19th November
Is internationally recognised to help raise the visibility of trans people, their experiences and the issues that they may face. Visit HROD: Trans Awareness Week SP site for more details. 

Trans Visibility Day: 31st March
A day dedicated to raising awareness of the discrimination faced by trans communities but also celebrating the successes of trans people across the world. Visit HROD International Day of Trans Visibility SP site for more details. 

Trans student policy
If you are approached by a student asking about formally changing their name and/or gender on SITS as part of their gender identity journey please visit Academic Services: Trans Student Requests – SITS system changes SP site for guidance. Contact the relevant Academic Services Systems and Reporting Manager who will be able to advise you on what the student needs to provide (the student may have already discussed this with their Student Support Adviser).

Trans staff policy
Read our dedicated HROD: Trans Staff Policy – October 2021 for more details.

  • Trans 101 (PDF): prepared by Learnest CIC following a trans awareness session at Hallam, a guide to trans in terms of terminology, the law and ally ship.
  • Podcast: Trans and non-binary experiences in the workplace – join presenter Stephanie Hirst (she/her), guest Ali Hannon (they/them) and our very own Steven Taylor (he/him), Inclusion & Diversity Consultant at Inclusive Employers, as we get an open and honest insight into the true experiences of trans and non-binary people in the workplace. We offer advice to employers and individuals on how to support trans and non-binary colleagues better, and discuss the importance of inclusive language.

UN Women 


Inclusive Hallam

It’s aim is to make clear the University’s commitment to advancing equality of opportunity, experience and outcome at Sheffield Hallam. To position the University as a leader in addressing society’s most challenging equality, diversity and inclusion issues and to promote a culture of action, both individually and corporately, inspiring and encouraging people to make positive practical changes. Take a look at:

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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) in a globally recognised celebration of the achievements and contributions of women to society, as well as the opportunity to renew our commitment to women’s equality, raise awareness of societal challenges, and tackle pay and other inequalities. Visit:

International Women in Engineering Day

Although it’s still underrepresented by women, much is being done to raise awareness of the diversity and appeal of engineering careers – particularly those that involve risk. One Hallam colleague making a difference is Dr Karen Vernon-Parry, Quality Lead in our Department of Engineering and Mathematics. Karen shares her own ‘risky’ experience and insight on this subject in our Q&A.   

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health FoundationMental Health Awareness Week: May. Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 was raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental health and the practical steps we can take to address it.  Visit the Mental Health Foundation website for more details.

For more details visit our HROD: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) networks for staff and students SharePoint site and the range of EDI networks which provide a safe, welcoming space for people to meet, share ideas and support each other. 


National Inclusion Week

National Inclusion Week is a great time for focusing on and demonstrating your commitment to inclusion to all those who work at Sheffield Hallam, but also to your students and stakeholders. It provides a space and a starting point for discussions around inclusion and diversity and can be used to generate or launch ideas.  



Resources and support

Hallam’s Disabled Student Support Team offer a range of guidance and support with:

Inclusive Hallam: watch their session titled ‘Neurodiversity and Me, with Bea Marshall’If you’d like to explore further in terms of your personal journey with neurodiversity, or if you recognise that your own neurodivergence means you struggle more than you thrive in your work, relationships, parenting and life in general then Bea would love to support you. Bea offers both private one-to-one sessions and other ways of working with her. Find out more at

In Conversation: staff and student neuro divergent voices. Helen Baxter, a degree apprenticeship student in Occupational Therapy, has developed a series of podcasts about the lived experiences of neuro-divergent staff and neuro-divergent students. The aim is to educate and raise awareness of neurodiversity and the implications for teaching and learning.

Sheffield Hallam University provides work experience for autistic young people – the University has partnered with Nexus multi-academy trust to support young autistic people to gain work experience. The pilot programme has seen 19 young people aged 16-19-years-old offered taster sessions and work experience in a number of roles at the University in efforts to increase the number of young people with special educational needs who enter the workplace. Read more on the SHU website (news hub).

Sector news and resources

Research by Hallam’s Diarmuid Verrier, which found that autistic people report feeling hyper-empathy rather than not feeling empathy at all, featured in Autism Eye.

LinkedIn: What reasonable adjustments work for ADHD at work? Leanne Maskell. 

WonkHE: What neurodiverse learners told us they needed in order to thriveEmma Whewell and Helen Tiplady reflect on the needs of neurodivergent students in higher education.

Inclusive Employers.

  • The neurodiversity glossary may not be exhaustive but is a helpful tool that can get you started with normalising using neurodiversity terminology and having open conversations in a more informed way. 
  • Podcast: Neurodiversity – Talking inclusion with Steven Copsey, Naz Mir, Zeinab Ali and Simon Richards. In this month’s podcast, Steven Copsey talks to our guests about their challenges in the workplace, the impact of having a supportive line manager and the affect of working from home due to Covid 19. We also offer support and advice to employers to make it easier for those with neurodivergent conditions to get into the workplace and challenge preconceptions – not everyone who has Autism and other neurodiverse conditions is the same.

The Witherslack Group collaborate with professionals in the field of SEN and also work with specialists within their Group to offer resources that will add to the toolkit of parents, carers and professionals. You can browse their library of resources, including videos, podcasts, and downloadable hints and tips.

Autistic Research Network North (ARNN). ARNNA new community to bring autistic academics and researchers together across the north of England so they have a safe space to support one another but also to share ideas around research and events.

Members are asked to identify as autistic but do not have to be conducting research into autism.

Fast Company: Neurodiversity is critical for innovation in the workplace (website).  Autistic creativity has shaped modern culture. Neurodivergent talent might be the key to invention at your company.


Neurodiversity Celebration Week World Autism Awareness Week International ADHD Conference
18th March – 24th March 2024 27th March – 2nd April 2023 2022
Celebrating Different Minds – join us! National Autistic Society:
Join their  spectrum colour challenge and spectrum colour walks
Brought to you by Enabling Opportunities, a series of videos that can be accessed using the password: EnablingOps2-22.



Race Equality

Welcome to HROD: Race Equality SP site. Here we host a range of information, resources and support for all staff at Hallam, outlining our commitment to Race Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, as well as ensuring that there is a safe space and hub of resources so that together we can improve our knowledge, awareness and understanding. 

  • For teaching, learning and assessment practice visit the Degree Awarding Gap website. 
  • Podcast: Anti-racism in the UK – talking inclusion with Steven Copsey, Baron Anyangwe and Sandy Sohal. Our latest research shows that race is on the Diversity and Inclusion agenda for 85% of organisations in the UK. Following the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, more individuals and organisations are committing to anti-racist action than ever before, but why do we still need to talk about this in 2021? In this podcast we talk about our guests’ experiences and observations, how much progress has truly been made and what we can all do to make anti-racism a shared responsibility. Our guests also offer tips and advice for employers. 
  • Podcast: Race and Social Mobility – Join Steven Copsey and guests Aminata Pungi, Inclusion and Diversity Business Support Partner at Inclusive Employers and Yasmina Mallam-Hassam, Head of Employability Services at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham and Co-Founder of Own Your Talent Ltd, as we get an insight into their experiences when joining the world of work. They will also discuss why and how employers can take real action to improve social mobility for young people.
Race Equality Charter

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June 2023: Refugee Week. A festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. 
Listen to our new podcast hosted by Sam Coulby (People Portfolio Operations Manager, HROD) interviewing Shupi Chiwanza, Supervising Solicitor in the Refugee Rights Hub which is based in the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice.

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Religion / Belief and Cultural Festivals

  • HROD: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion host a range of information and resources that celebrate diversity and culture.
  • Podcast: faith, religion and belief at work:
    In the UK, people belong to a wealth of religions and hold various beliefs. But what can inclusive employers do to support those of faith? We explore religion and belief as protected characteristics and share expert advice for employers.
    As always, we also share real experiences and stories as we think about the challenges people of faith have in today’s workplaces.In this month’s podcast, Steven Copsey is talking inclusion with Reverend Dom Jones, Force Chaplain at Hampshire Constabulary and Halyma Begum, L&D Manager at Co-op. We are also joined by Inclusive Employers Consultant Joseph Aninakwa.
  • Wonkhe: Drawing on a recent decision by the Employment Tribunal, William Mackesy urges universities to ensure employees are not harassed for their beliefs.

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Widening Participation

HE Professional is a new content platform and events package for professional service leaders and practitioners across the higher education sector.  They work closely with experts and ground-level practitioners from across higher education to deliver implementation-focussed solutions, ideas and insights with a focus on new and distinct voices.

Our HE Professional Premium Subscription offers you exclusive access to our members-only content, including weekly bulletins and unlimited access to our HE Professional events. 

New articles:

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Last updated: 19th June 2024 NB