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Academic Integrity

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Welcome to Academic Integrity.

The following resources provide you with guidance on all matters relating to Academic Conduct, such as cheating and breaches of confidentiality in students’ work. 

It also provide you with guidance and resources relating to generative artificial intelligence tools and using them in your work.  

This page is currently under refresh/development. If you have any enquiries about the content, please contact the team


Conduct and Discipline Staff Development Resources and Guidance


Conduct and Discipline 

The Academic Conduct Regulation includes a Student Code of Academic Conduct which has been strengthened. It focuses on academic integrity and the need for students to submit their own work.

The definitions of academic misconduct have been enhanced and broadened to include trading of work, writing for others, and the use of paraphrasing software. The use of artificial intelligence tools will be deemed misconduct where the original author/source of the work is not correctly attributed.

What is contract cheating?

Contract cheating and, more broadly, what Phillip Dawson (2021) calls ‘cognitive offloading’ is where students ask other people or, in some cases, artificial intelligence, to create assignments for them.  Students can also purchase and trade ready-made answers, custom answers or notes and reflective case studies through a variety of commercial and informal routes. 

If you want to find out a bit more about this, just have a look for your module or your assignments on sites such as StuDocU, Chegg and Fiverr; or Google one of your recent assignment or exam questions and see what turns up. 

Academic Misconduct Process

Guidance on how to report a concern or allegation can be found on our Academic Misconduct Process Chart (Visio document). 

  • This sets out questions to consider, which pathway to follow and provides the embedded links to the relevant pro-forma and referral forms required. 
  • To support you in completing the contract cheating referral form, the TEL Help guidance provides additional information around the use of Turnitin and Authorship. 
  • For student records service for conduct cases or the academic conduct library, please visit Academic Services: Conduct SharePoint page. 

If you have any queries regarding the content or wish to provide feedback on the usability, please contact the team

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Staff development, support and exemplars

New webinar series: June 2024

Online AI Literacy

With the ever-changing world of AI, it is difficult to keep up and stay on top of the changes. To support colleagues, JISC have put together a series of 5 webinars to explore Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in education.

Their AI Literacy webinar series will run live online with one session per day in the run up to the summer holidays.  The full series will run twice in June: first from Monday 17th to Friday 21st June and then repeated from Monday 24th to Friday 28th June.

To accompany the webinar series, JISC host their monthly AI drop-in clinic on Thursday the 27th of June, 11:00 – 12:00. The idea is that you can simply drop in and ask questions about how to use AI tools and about the AI literacy training and future training needs.

Visit JISC’s website for more information and booking.

The Student Experience, Teaching and Learning (SETL) offer training sessions for staff on:

  • How to identify cheating.
  • How to bring an allegation.
  • How to understand the regulations.
  • How to become a panel member on an Academic Conduct panel.
  • Good practice for assessment design to help build a culture of academic integrity. 

Please contact Jill Lebihan  if you would like more information on bespoke training sessions for your academic teams. Read the Chat GTP software response and guidance from the Academic Integrity Steering Group.

Here are some exemplars of completed pro forma:

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Resources and Guidance

There are many useful resources on identifying different types of plagiarism and other kinds of cheating that might help you.  Here are a few helpful ones:

There are also resources within our Assessment materials:

We also host our Academic Integrity Mini-Modules that all students will complete at different levels.   

Generative AI for student, teaching, assessment and general use 


How is AI transforming higher education?  Tune in to the latest Inside Hallam podcast to hear experts Professor Alex Shenfield and Dr Jill Lebihan explore AI’s impact on academia with host Professor Liz Mossop. Discover practical applications enhancing research and learning, alongside frank discussions on ensuring AI’s ethical, unbiased and equitable use through robust institutional policies. 

Essentials Resources

We recommend that all Hallam staff familiarise themselves with the following guidance and information:

Sector Resources

We have complied a collection of AI sector resources that you may find useful.

If you’d like to add any resources to this or the essentials list, please contact the team.

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Last updated: 23rd May 2024 NB