SHU staff discount on Microsoft software

Staff members at Sheffield Hallam University are eligible to purchase heavily discounted Microsoft software for use on their own laptop or PC. This means that the latest Pro versions of Windows 7 and 8 are available for only £7.80 pounds each, as are the latest Pro versions of Office for Windows and Mac. You can purchase the software from…

Roundtable discussions on different technologies and different teaching approaches – places still available

There are still places available on the current series of ‘roundtable’ events (scheduled through to April 2014), with extra dates added. These events provide an opportunity for informal discussion about enhancing teaching through the use of technology. There are discussions that focus on the application of specific technologies (such as Blackboard Collaborate, open badges, electronic…

Contemporary Approaches to Teaching Panel Q &A response

This is the fourth in a series of articles following our recent event Contemporary Approaches to Teaching –December 10th responding to questions raised by participants. While the panel was able to respond to some of the questions on the day, there wasn’t time to address them all.  To enable all questions to receive a response we will be…

‘Menu’ of teaching approaches and the technologies that can enhance them

The Technology Enhanced Learning team has been working with staff across the university to develop resources to assist academic staff in identifying alternative teaching approaches and technologies suitable to their discipline. One of these resources is a framework or ‘menu’ designed to assist colleagues in identifying different teaching approaches and the technologies that can support…

Google Apps for Learning and Teaching – 7th March 2014

The University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University have teamed up to bring you the Google Apps for Learning and Teaching (GALT) one day conference. The day will consist of a series of presentations and workshops delivered by academics and professional staff from both institutions, who will be sharing their experiences of using Google Apps…

Are you using Google Apps in an innovative way?

We are planning to hold an event on the 7th March 2014 showcasing some of the ways that Google Apps are effectively being used in teaching, along with some practical workshops. Are you using Google Apps in an innovative way?  would you like to present what you have been doing or deliver a workshop on…

What is Augmented Reality?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning (view other articles in the series).  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective. Augmented Reality (AR) refers to technology which overlays additional information onto a person’s experience…

Case Study: Using screencasts and exercises to develop software skills

This case study explores the use of screencasts and supplemental exercises to support students in developing their competence with a particular piece of software. The software requires a significant amount of time to master but the amount of other material that needed to be covered meant that the this was not possible during the timetabled sessions. Instead, the…