Forthcoming session: Innovations in Mobile Learning with Steve Wheeler

Speaker: Steve Wheeler, Associate Professor of Learning Technology at University of Plymouth 12:00 lunch for 13:00 webinar, on Mon 28th May, in Harmer 2502 As part of our 2012 focus on mobile learning, we welcome Steve Wheeler from the University of Plymouth to describe the latest developments in mobile learning. Steve Wheeler is a Web…

Article: Flipping classroom teaching around

We thought you might find this external article interesting. It talks about the growing technology enhanced learning practice of ‘flipping’ the classroom through creating standalone resources outside of the classroom that students should engage with before coming to class. Classtime is then spent on more participative activities rather than conveying information. Read the article at…

Transition of Campus Pack Blog and Wiki tools in Blackboard

As announced last July, we have been transitioning the blogs and wikis tools available inside of Blackboard during this academic year. As part of this transition we will be disabling the ability to add Campus Pack Blog and Campus Pack Wiki tools from 28 May. These tools will no longer be supported by the supplier, and…

Two online submission tools in Blackboard during May

In March we announced that we are transitioning the Blackboard online submission tool from SHU Assignments to the default Blackboard Assignments during this summer. To ensure continuity in the student experience where possible, we recommend that: assignments with submission deadlines in May use SHU Assignments assignments with submission deadlines in June or later use Blackboard…

What is shuplayer?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning.  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective. shuplayer is a university website that supports the use of video and audio for teaching and learning. It can be accessed from a link…

TEL sessions at Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May)

Stuart Hepplestone is running a number of sessions at next week’s University Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May 2012). The sessions that Stuart will be facilitating are designed to be a mix of both practical hands-on and provide opportunities for discussion with colleagues about their experiences and generate ideas for the application of technology to support assessment…

New Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy approved

The University has approved a Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy for 2011-14 (available on the staff intranet currently). This can be seen as a sub-strategy for implementing elements of the new LTA Strategy related to embedding and supporting technology in the learning experience. The strategy will be rolling in nature, updated yearly. It highlights the key aims for the University in technology…

New twitter feed for IT Help news

The IT Help service now has its own twitter feed, which it will be using to point out information and self-help guidance about IT to staff and students. Look there for tips on getting the most out of the software the University provides. Follow them on twitter at @ITHelpSHU, or look at the right menu bar of…

New Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy available

The University approved a new Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy for 2011-13 in December. The new LTA Strategy has five aims related to improving the experience of our students and staff with regards to learning, teaching and assessment. As part of the development of the LTA Strategy, eight Graduate Attributes were also approved. These define the attributes we want…