Start of the semester

The start of the semester is quickly approaching, and many of you will be preparing your Blackboard sites for the coming semester. To help you with this the Bb-support tab includes a section called Start of the Semester, which contains a checklist for preparing your site, along with step-by-step instructions.

One important thing (included in the Start of the Semester section) is that any SHU or TurnItIn Assignments you used last year need to be deleted and recreated in your 2009/10 sites. Whilst these may appear to have copied successfully, they will not be linked to the Grade Centre and students will not be able to use them properly to submit work. It is important these are removed and the assignments recreated to avoid any problems.

This year we have been able to copy forward Grade Centre items for the first time. This means that any grade columns from the previous year will still be there. In the case of regular columns and Blackboard tests, you will be able to use them as they are, though you may need to modify test settings. For SHU and TurnItIn Assignments, you will need to delete the old Grade Centre column after you remove the old assignment. Weighted totals will need to be modified if you delete any column. To help explain this process we have created a simple guide to updating your grades for the new year.

In August, phone support for staff engaging in e-learning changed telephone numbers. Previously the number was the 24/7 freephone number 0808 234 1316. The new telephone number is ext. 3874 and will operate during regular business hours, though messages can be left on the number’s voicemail at any time. We aim to resolve e-learning queries within 2 business days. Support requests can also be submitted online via the Bb-support tab in shuspace and will be routed to the appropriate support contacts automatically. For training and curriculum design queries, you can also contact your Faculty e-learning advisers directly.

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