Online SHU Module Survey tool replaced

The online SHU Module Survey tool has now been replaced by a customisable Blackboard survey.  We received many staff requests for the survey questions to be customisable for their module and for the ability to capture student results at more than two points.  We also determined that we needed a survey tool that would work in the next version of Blackboard.

For these reasons we have replaced the SHU Module Survey tool with a customisable survey that works with the Blackboard survey tool.  The default survey file contains the same questions as the original SHU Module Survey tool.  The import file for this survey can be found in the Bb-support tab download section, along with instructions on how to import the survey file.

Existing SHU Module Surveys already created on Blackboard sites will continue to function until the end of June 2010.

With the use of any online module evaluation, we recommend a strategy for encouraging students to respond, as some staff have reported lower response rates.

If you have any questions about using the new Blackboard surveys, please feel free to contact e-learning support at x3874 or by submitting a request online inside the Bb-support tab of shuspace.

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