What is a QR code?

This is part of a regular series of articles exploring some of the terms used in e-learning (view other articles in the series).  We’ll do our best to break down the jargon and explain what things are from a basic perspective.

Example QR code
Example QR code

You’re no doubt familiar with simple barcodes which are a series of lines, of varying thickness, used to represent a piece of numerical data, such as a product identifier, and can be scanned by a special reader. Quick Response (QR) Codes are an evolution of barcode technology and can be used to store numbers, text, web addresses and more.

QR codes were first introduced around 1994 to keep track of components during a car manufacturing process. You can recognise a QR code by the distinct pattern of ‘bordered squares’ in every corner except the bottom right. QR codes can be any size and any colour.
No special equipment is needed to a read a QR code – just a camera and some software to decode the message. Modern smartphones often include high quality cameras and apps that enable them to decode the QR code image. For example, Android phones, iPhones and most Blackberrys can read QR codes with a suitable app. Check your phone’s documentation to find out more.

QR codes are very easy for devices to read – they even work upside down!

Thanks to this QR codes have quickly become a popular way to share information. Individuals can use them to share contact details, send messages, and check product prices against the Internet. They are also becoming widely used in advertising for giving out web addresses.  Some organisations have used them as a way of highlighting information such as building opening hours, product details and deals, and key information about specific locations.

While QR codes have not been widely used in education to this point, we are investigating their use for campus inductions and visits, as well as learning and teaching purposes.

To read more about QR codes, please look at the Educause Learning Initiative handout 7 things you should know about QR Codes.

4 thoughts on “What is a QR code?

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