Stimulating participation in lectures via mobile devices
With Ben Abell
12noon-1pm, Tuesday 29 May, Stoddart 7330, City Campus
Ben will describe the use of mobile technologies for a Biosciences module, in which students have been using personal mobile devices to answer questions during lecture sessions and promote active learning in lectures. Students worked as small groups to maximise participation, and Google Docs Forms were used to capture responses to questions, although alternative tools such as Polleverywhere and texttools will be discussed.
Early evaluation data has indicated that students are generally positive about the approach, and provided some valuable indicators of what works well. The presentation will provide an opportunity to explore benefits and issues of the approach. Feel free to bring mobile devices to the session.
Please book so that we can inform you if there are any changes to the session.
For further ideas about mobile learning, keep an eye out for additional sessions, and see other relevant articles in this blog