Shortly we will be launching SHUgo, a mobile app that is designed for students and staff at the University. The initial SHUgo release will provide access to campus maps, library information, campus news, a staff/student directory and an interface for accessing Blackboard sites.
The app will work with the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad initially, with versions for Blackberry and Android coming at the start of 2011. There will also be a mobile web version available from the initial launch, which should work on any web-enabled phone.
We hope to update it regularly to improve the functionality available. Ideally information such as timetable changes, which need to be accessed quickly while on the go, can be added to the app.
More information will be coming out shortly about SHUgo when it is launched.
Who is in charge of the production of this app?, Can someone email me : 17032941 ! it is rather important.
The app comes from Blackboard, Inc. and is personalised by data, images, etc. from the university. The University’s IT department is leading the creation and release of the app, so I’ll ask someone from the project team if they can contact you.
As a note, the app is being released later than we hoped. However it is now being reviewed by Apple for inclusion in the app store. Therefore it should be released shortly for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
Any news on this, been waiting for months for this to be released as well as thousands of other students.
We apologise for the delay. The app is currently being reviewed by Apple for inclusion in their app store. Unfortunately they don’t provide a fixed date for when any app will be released, so we don’t know the specific date. However we hope that version 1 will become available in the next week or so.
Sorry, have to apologise again, as Apple has recently changed their policies about how apps must be coded to run on new Apple devices. The result was that the app was rejected by Apple, and we have had to resubmit it with the required code changes. This may delay the app’s release another week or two. The good news is that in the meantime the team is working hard on creating additional functionality for a version 2 of the app to come soon afterwards, which should also include Android and Blackberry support.
Thanks for the update
please keep us informed of any news
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