Exchange 2010 mailbox migration schedule

This change will provide a number of new features including enhanced web access to staff email and better compatibility with Outlook 2010. The version of Outlook will not be affected by this change. 

 Whilst the upgrade is taking place staff will be able to work as normal and won’t see any changes to their mailbox. If you are logged in during the final stage of the move you will be asked to restart Outlook – this will be scheduled to happen on Saturday 7pm-9pm to ensure that the change will cause little or no disruption to staff. 

 Users using the web version of Outlook (OWA) will see some changes to the interface following the move, with significant improvements for users of Safari and Firefox. A detailed list of changes is also available on the intranet here.

The timetable

5-7 October Migrate SLS;  migrate shared mailboxes

12-14 October Migrate ACES

19-21 October Migrate D&S

26-28 October Migrate HWB

2-4 November Migrate SBS

9-11 November Migrate Finance and Facilities Directorate, Secretary and Registrar’s Directorate and VCG

16-18 November remaining departments/mailboxes including HWB and SBS