Evaluating Whole Systems Approaches Symposium (19th May)

Evaluating Whole Systems Approaches Symposium

Date: Tuesday 19th May Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm Venue: Advance Wellbeing Research Centre

A symposium to inspire, discuss, debate and challenge thinking on how to deliver and accumulate knowledge about whole system approaches to tackle inequalities.

Full programme yet to be announced but will include:

  • Sharing current thinking with our teams from the Centre for Regional Economic Social Research, Institute of Education, Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology, Department of Sport and Physical Activity, Department of Nursing and Midwifery and Centre for Leadership
  • Scene setting with Dr Toby Lowe, (Northumbria University), Mark Tuckett (Sheffield ACP) and Joel Brookfield (Sport England)
  • A ‘marketplace’ networking session to illustrate case studies and share successes and challenges of existing whole system approaches across the policy spectrum
  • Workshops and roundtable discussions on hot topics: systems leadership; measuring change in whole system approaches; developing common purpose
  • Coffee, lunch and a drinks reception

There will be a diverse audience to stimulate lively debate from community organisations, decision makers in whole system initiatives, academics and research and programme funders.

Booking information can be found here (booking code – ASPA052020)

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