Academic Professional Development Programme

Reflecting the priorities of the Shaping Futures Board, Term 2 of the programme (January – April) will focus on the theme of “Student Outcomes” and support you in developing approaches to ensure all students not only have the opportunity to achieve their potential while at university, but also succeed after university.

These are short, practical sessions which are open to all staff and are mapped onto the UKPSF and NSS to help you record and plan your professional development.

The following events are available for February/March/April  – for booking details, please click on each event title link.

Making the message count (part 1) – using your voice and body to teach more effectively Wednesday 21st February 2018, 2:00 – 4:00 – City: Aspect Court 15105
This session is for staff who want to develop their presentation, performance and public speaking skills to improve their lecturing practice.  Learning from a professionally trained actor, participants will discover how to ‘hold the room’, convey an articulate message and engage the audience using a range of stage techniques.

Make a stand against contract cheating Thursday 1st March 2018, 10.00 – 11.30 – City: Cantor 9024
To support awareness of contract cheating, this workshop will provide an opportunity for you to consider what constitutes contract cheating, how its detected, what we can do to deter students using this service and how you can design assessments to reduce the opportunity for contract cheating.

Students supporting students – a review of peer-led learning Wednesday 7th March 2018, 10.30 – 11.30 – City: Aspect Court 15103
This session is for those who support students and want to learn about the benefits of training students to support other students, what methods/models are available and the support available to you and your teams when introducing this in your areas.

Making the message count (part 2) – supporting students to deliver effective presentations Wednesday 7th March 2018, 2:00 – 4:00 – City: Cantor 9129
In this session, participants will learn how to use the skills they acquired in the previous session (Part 1) to support students to develop the key oral communication and presentation skills which are essential for their academic success and employability.

Assessment Design: Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) Wednesday 11th April 2018, 09:30 – 12:00 City: Charles Street 12.5.08
This session will review the process and system of recognition of prior learning, enabling both prospective applicants and existing students to claim exemption from modules. We will discuss the who/what/here/how and provide participants a range of scenarios to examine key issues.  This session will be of particular interest to module/course leaders, academic advisers and LTA Leads but is open to anyone with an interest in assessment, employability and student attainment and success.

Action Learning in Action – 2 dates Tuesday 17th April 2018, 10:00 – 12:00 Collegiate: Southbourne 134 Wednesday 18th April 2018, 2:00pm – 4:00pm City: Aspect Court 15104
This session will introduce you to the basics and principles of action learning (Revans 2011). You will have the opportunity to take part in an action learning set, a reflective process involving a group of peers helping each other to work through issues or problems.  Come along and discuss your own experiences and we’ll provide you with ideas on how you can use this learning in your programme(s).

Sheffield Hallam Prevent Course People Development Team – HR&OD Various dates – bookings via The Core Portal
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, place a duty on higher education institutions to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism (the ‘Prevent Duty’). This 1 hour workshop has been developed to provide an overview for all university staff on the Prevent Duty and focuses on raising general awareness of Prevent amongst staff.

Get involved!

We aim to ensure that our events meet the needs of our staff, so if you:

  • would like a specific session to be repeated, or delivered directly to teaching teams, please contact us with details of which session(s)
  • would like to deliver your own session to raise awareness of any good practice or ongoing projects within your own team(s) that fit in with the current theme “Student Success” please complete the session summary template and send to the CPD Team at – we’ll work with you in getting it all set up along with managing bookings.

Keep in touch…

Keep up to date by bookmarking the Academic Professional Development programme webpage, subscribing to blog alerts or by following on Twitter at: @SHU_AcDev

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