Work Experience


What is Work Experience for Highly Skilled Employment?

Exposing and engaging student with employers and work related activity is the cornerstone of an applied university.  Prioritising work experience will significantly embed employability within the curriculum and will strengthen student’s capability of being recruited to graduate level employment.

Every student will undertake a core ‘work experience’ module at every level of study accounting for the equivalent of 20 credits. Hallam has identified 6 categories of work experience allowing for a flexible and pragmatic approach to course and module design. At least one of these work experiences should be a placement which can be created through one of 4 different work experience categories.  Of the 6 categories 1, 2, 3, and 4 can be used to fulfil commitment of a placement. Courses will bring these to life through their subject area, employer engagement and creative student involvement.

1.                   Short Placement

2.                   Incorporated Placement (with a current employer)

3.                   Placement Alliance

4.                   Enterprise Residency

5.                   Authentic Work Experience

6.                   Scholarly Research or Innovation Work Experience


What do I need to do or understand?

Due to the complex and individualised nature of work experience it should be considered as part of a course curriculum planning process rather than individual modules.  Level 4 modules have already been designed/adapted to include work experience with planning for level 5 and 6 underway, working towards the November 2019 Faculty Approval Panel.  Depending on the choice of work experience category, the detailed support is different. Please review each work experience category and associated information and support within this site.  For instance, more detail can be found about short placements in the Placement Principles of Practice and Timetabling guide.

Abintegro – a new support resource for students and staff.

This broad, impactful and evolving resource can be used to support teaching and assessment through HSE related modules and beyond.  It is an invaluable resource which staff can use to curate a course specific set of activities to prepare students for work experience, whether this is authentic, short placement or a Sandwich placement. For instance, formative tasks can be set to support students personal development and improve their chances of success through the recruitment and selection process.
