10 reasons to engage with your Academic Adviser

All students at Sheffield Hallam University are allocated a named Academic Adviser. They are a personal named contact and first point of reference for questions about your studies.

Academic advising is delivered differently in different courses, but the role of your academic adviser is the same. They are there to support your:

  • academic progression;
  • personal development; and
  • professional development.

You will be told who your Academic Adviser is by a member of your teaching team and will find their contact details on the ‘Key Support Advisers’ section of Blackboard.

Here are 10 reasons why you should engage with them:

  1. Enhance your overall university experience.
  2. Working with your Academic Adviser tends to lead to higher academic success as they help you action plan to improve your overall performance.
  3. Get to know your Academic Adviser so they can write you an informed reference.
  4. They can help you to build your academic confidence and self-awareness.
  5. They can help you understand feedback you have received and identify how you can improve.
  6. They can make suggestions to increase your employability, including placement options.
  7. Work together to discuss your professional aspirations and opportunities for further study.
  8. They are well positioned to help you identify the best person of service to support your needs or circumstances.
  9. If you have queries about your studies they are an important point of contact; and are here to enhance your university experience.
  10. Remember, Academic Advising is for everyone. Your Academic Adviser can help you thrive!