My top 5 tips for finishing assignments

By Lucy Baldock, BA (Hons) Creative Writing, 3rd Year.

It’s that time of year where my assignment deadlines are coming up and thanks to these tips I’ve managed to stop procrastinating, and actually finish my work.

1.Time Management

I know it’s easier said than done to start assignments early but it’s really not worth leaving them until the last minute.  I have done this before and it only added a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself. What I’ve come to realise is it’s easier to set a goal (for the day or for the week) of an amount of words you want to write. This way you’re writing a little bit at a time and before you know it you’ll have a full assignment. It’s far less stressful when it’s not rushed.

2. A Change of Scenery

At home I always have the intention of finishing my assignment but I get distracted so easily by other things. I decided to mix it up and go to a café. Not only am I obsessed with coffee but being in a different environment really helped me to focus on my work.  The coffee kept me awake and focused, and I had far less distractions. There are lots of great coffee places to choose from in Sheffield. I really like The Holt on Arundel Street as it’s so close to City Campus.

3. Take Regular Breaks

There’s nothing worse than sitting and staring at a laptop screen with no idea what to write. I find it’s easy to get burned out and sometimes I just need that ten minute break for my inspiration to appear again.

4. Stay Positive

A positive mind set is so important for me to finish assignments. If I go into my work thinking that I can’t do the task or that I won’t finish it on time, then I’ll start to believe it. I need to motivate myself and not stress out if I want to get it done.

5. Make Use of Resources

The library at Sheffield Hallam has become like a second home to me. The library is so useful they have everything I need to finish my assignments: computers, printers, books, and even their own café. I don’t have a printer at home so that becomes very useful plus the books at hand, there’s a huge collection that I can reference in my work. I also like that they have a quiet section so when I really need to focus I can sit there and concentrate. It’s a life saver!