What happens to my IT access after I leave?

When you complete your course(s), you may continue to access IT facilities provided by Student Learning Services for approximately 3 months.

After this, your usercode will be disabled. You will still be able to access some services, including My Student Record, email (via http://mail.my.shu.ac.uk/), and library facilities as an external borrower.

If you’re finishing a Master’s dissertation, your usercode will not be disabled until you have submitted your work and it has been assessed.

We cannot extend your access rights once you have officially completed all your courses as we need to free up the resources for new students.

Continuing students

If you’re likely to be returning to what is essentially a continuation of the same course (E.g. Certificate to Diploma, HND to BSc) you shouldn’t have to do anything and will continue to be able to use your usercode as long as your Faculty is aware that you are transferring to the new course.

If you’re returning to a completely different course in a different Faculty (E.g. BSc to PGCE), you should be able to keep your existing homespace and existing external email address (E.g. j.bloggs@student.shu.ac.uk) as well as the contents of your current Google mailbox and address book.

Please bear in mind, though, that homespace is an area for “work in progress”, not a permanent storage area. You are encouraged to back up your work to USB sticks, CD-ROMs, or internet-based storage regularly, especially if you are in what might be regarded as a “course finished” position at this time of year.

One-to-one skills sessions at the Bridge


This summer, the Bridge are offering one-to-one, 30 minute sessions with a tutor, providing general guidance as well as specific approaches for developing your academic writing. Come along to learn how to study effectively and optimise your grades.

There’s no need to book, just turn up between the following times to see a tutor.

  • Tuesdays 2pm – 4pm The Bridge, above Adsetts Library café
  • Fridays 11.30am – 1.30pm, Collegiate Library, room 0.01

the Disabled Student Support service is a different service to this one.  If you normally access the Disabled Student Support service, please contact your tutor as normal.

They will help you devise strategies to check your own work but they will not proofread assignments.

More about the sessions

The service is learner-led; you decide on the topic for sessions.  Examples of topics covered are:

  • understanding assessment criteria and discussing initial ideas for work
  • what it means to think and write critically or reflectively
  • planning and delivering presentations and effective group working
  • how to carry out a literature review and write a dissertation

The aim of the sessions is to focus on developing learning, so you might want to bring:

  • the assessment criteria for an assignment you’re thinking about starting, to discuss ideas or develop a rough planning outline
  • what you’ve written (if you’ve made a start) to discuss your structure and whether you’re staying on-topic
  • a marked assignment so that we can discuss the feedback you’ve received and what you might do differently next time
  • a timetable of submission dates to talk about time management or examples of materials you are revising for exams.

Trip to Bakewell

Bakewell is the ‘ancient capital of the Peak’, an old beautiful market town in the heart of the Peak District is the location of our next summer SHU GoGlobal trip.

Not only does it have stunning views and is ideal for any budding photographer, but it’s also famous for its pudding – a great excuse to indulge in some traditional confectionery!

We will be taking the bus there, so you will need to purchase a return ticket on the day, which will cost about £6.

We’ll be meeting outside the main entrance of the University at 8am on Sunday 31 July, returning at about 6pm.

Tramlines Festival — 22-24 July

From 22-24 July, Sheffield will host a massive inner city music festival, with the city playing host to a range of live music, art and community events. You will need a ticket to get into the main stage event, but there are fringe line-ups in venues spread across the city centre.

You can find out more information by watching the handy video below:

You can find out more about where your favourite acts will be playing on the Tramlines website, which also has details about buying tickets and getting to the venues. We’ll see you down there!

Culture Connect Case Study – Dana Dlawor

In the run up to us opening registration for our fantastic peer mentoring scheme Culture Connect in September, we’ll be featuring students past and present who have benefited from taking part.

Here is Dana’s experience with the project, and a bit about what you can expect when enrolled in the scheme:

“My experience with Culture Connect was amazing. I got to know many new friends from different nationalities from all over the world. I have learned how to communicate with different cultures.


I would recommend all students to participate in it, especially for those who have just arrived in Sheffield. This scheme will help them to feel like they are part of a new family.”

We’d like to thank Dana for his comments and would also encourage you to take part in this brilliant scheme.

We start recruiting for new members in September. Find out more and register your interest to apply.

Trip to Heeley City Farm


Join us on a short walk to Heeley City Farm on Sunday 17 July, to visit a friendly farm with an environment centre.

Meet Igor Tolkach at the main University entrance at 10am. The farm is about 30 minutes walk from the City Campus and the trip of completely free of charge!

There’s a great range of activities and animals on offer, so come on down and experience farm life in the UK!

Botswana Accountancy College visits SHU

Sheffield Business School were honoured to be visited by our strategic partner from Botswana Accountancy College; Gaborone and Francistown. The senior delegation of Serty Leburu (Executive Director), Dr Byron Brown (Dean of Business and Leisure), Dr G. Male (Deputy Executive Director), Mr A. Mbewe (Portfolio manager – business) and Mrs M Mokgosi (Head of Marketing communications) met with senior faculty staff, toured the campus, dined with the Vice Chancellor and presented two papers at the partnership conference.

The visit and hosting by SBS underpinned the richness of the collaborative partnership as the success of the first delivery of the BA International Banking and Finance in 2015/16 and going forward three top-ups, MBA and Masters is planned for 2016/17. The relationship continues to grow with a wider collaborative engagement in research, staff and student exchanges and a joint conference planned for 2017 in Gaborone. The first SHU/BAC students are due to graduate next year which will be testament to the hard work and dedication of both institutions.

Welcoming City University of Hong Kong students

This is our first year running the Cultural and Language Immersion scheme with our partner institution, City University of Hong Kong.  This is a month long scheme and we have welcomed 32 students who are all second year undergraduate students from a range of courses in the building and construction area. The course is based around improving their English as well having course related activities with visits to the Peak District and sustainable living projects.

We have designed an intensive schedule of social events for this cohort of students; activities include visits in the local area such as Kelham Island Museum, afternoon tea in Bakewell and Weston Park Museum. The local trips are designed to provide them with a broad range of opportunities to immerse themselves in British culture and living in homestays reinforces this as they have every opportunity to learn more about the UK and Sheffield.

Also we have organised two weekend trips to help them explore more of the UK. The students will visit Edinburgh and London, which includes a trip to see the Lion King in the West End and the historical Tower of London.

“We really enjoyed our visit to a local primary school! The children are so energetic compared to school children in Hong Kong as they were so engaged in what we were showing them. We showed them how to make paper aeroplanes, watched some Hong Kong cartoons and taught them how to write their names in Chinese. This has been an opportunity not to be missed” WONG, Kai Yin (Jason) and NG, Ka Ying (Kate) school visit

International Experience Team receives innovation award



The International Experience Team at Sheffield Hallam University is the first winner of UKCISA’s Professor Paul Webley Award for Innovation in International Education.  The awards were set up in memory of UKCISA’s former Chair, who sadly died earlier this year. All 17 pilot and research projects that received UKCISA grants funding were eligible for the award.

We have been awarded the accolade for our pilot project to improve awareness of sexual health among students in higher and further education.

Julie Allen, Director of Policy and Services added: “We’re delighted to present the Professor Paul Webley Award to Sheffield Hallam today. We were impressed with the detail in the original submission and those who attended the Members’ Forum in Manchester this year will have heard about the project and may remember the buzz in the room.  One of the judging panel described the project as ‘brave’ and it was, we felt, the most innovative of all the projects and research we funded last year.”

Trip to the Botanical Gardens

Join us on a walk to the beautiful Botanical Gardens which is near our Collegiate Campus. Come with us and find out why Sheffield is the greenest city in the UK while taking in this sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre.

We will also walk down the famous Ecclesall Road – an area which is extremely popular with our students – with its many restaurants, bars and independent shops.

Meet our student crew at the main University entrance at 10am on Sunday 3 July (our trip will finish at approximately 2pm) – there is no charge for this event.