International Experience Team receives innovation award



The International Experience Team at Sheffield Hallam University is the first winner of UKCISA’s Professor Paul Webley Award for Innovation in International Education.  The awards were set up in memory of UKCISA’s former Chair, who sadly died earlier this year. All 17 pilot and research projects that received UKCISA grants funding were eligible for the award.

We have been awarded the accolade for our pilot project to improve awareness of sexual health among students in higher and further education.

Julie Allen, Director of Policy and Services added: “We’re delighted to present the Professor Paul Webley Award to Sheffield Hallam today. We were impressed with the detail in the original submission and those who attended the Members’ Forum in Manchester this year will have heard about the project and may remember the buzz in the room.  One of the judging panel described the project as ‘brave’ and it was, we felt, the most innovative of all the projects and research we funded last year.”