Two Sheffield Hallam students studying Architecture are going to take part in a Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) mentoring opportunity in Hunan University of Science and Technology in China next week, from 4 – 15 June.

Both Jess and Katie are supported by the GoGlobal team at Sheffield Hallam, and they are very much looking forward to their trip.

“I have been given an exciting opportunity to act as a peer-assisted learning mentor for Sheffield Hallam University in order to develop relations with Hunan University of Science & Technology (HNUST), China. This program will enable me to further my knowledge within the field of Architecture as it will allow me to experience a completely different culture in terms of design, and involve myself with the thought process of which Architecture is taught in China. I will also learn more about the history of China’s Architecture through discussions with students of HNUST and broaden my knowledge within the field.”

– Jess Arnold,  BSC (HON) Architecture

“The experience will develop my leadership skills through aiding tutors to run workshops. It will be interesting to see where similarities and differences lie between peer learning and group work, and how this could be adapted between the two universities, as well as learning various methods and techniques of how architecture can be taught and approached. Over the last three years studying at SHU, my ability to listen and observe has helped to shape me into a confident individual. Through critical reviews, I have had the opportunity to provide peers with feedback and also respond to challenging feedback, which has improved my ability to communicate ideas clearly and succinctly.”

– Katie Williams,  BSC (HON) Architecture