The project has now achieved the critical milestone of the completion of the bridge creating the link from Charles Street to the Arundel building, including the cladding.

The sustained effort and commitment from the contractor has clearly significantly progressed the building, with noticeable strides towards completion being made in all areas.

We continue to closely monitor the progress on site against the demanding delivery schedule to ensure the building’s completion in time for planned University occupation from the 18 January 2016, especially the commissioning of the building systems. These are the systems that manage the internal environment of the building, such as the heating, cooling and ventilation.

The team managing the Charles Street building met recently to review progress and update on next steps. In order to allow mitigation of the potential risks to completion, it was agreed that all teaching, including specialist teaching, will now start in Charles Street from 8 February 2016. This allows a period of three weeks after the scheduled handover date of 18 January 2016 for staff to familiarise themselves with the building, and allows time to make any required adjustments that are identified during this period.

This means that some Semester 2 teaching will need to be re-allocated to other locations between 4 January and 8 February 2016.  The timetabling team in FD will be working on this throughout November. We anticipate that the revised Semester 2 timetable will be available from 30 November and advise staff and students to check it after this date, understanding that there might be some movement of classes during this period of change.

In the event that it is not possible to relocate scheduled sessions to the same day and time, timetabling staff will contact session owners directly to discuss a plan of action. The aim is to source additional large lecture theatre space until 8 February 2016, though this will be the most challenging to schedule. IT room sessions will be scheduled in the space created on Arundel ground floor. If you have any queries please contact Donna Cooper in the space resource management team on ext. 3908.