Successful staff applicants to begin Leadership and Management Apprenticeships in Autumn

Eighteen members of staff have been successful in gaining a place on our Leadership and Management Apprenticeships scheme, delivered at Sheffield Business School.

Open to staff in management roles (both academic and professional services colleagues), staff from grades 5 to SSG applied for a fully-funded place on the following programmes:

The 31 applications received were scored by panels of senior staff on the impact attending the relevant Programme would have on the individual’s performance, that of their business area and the University’s delivery of Transforming Lives.

The panels including ULT members, Heads of Departments, Directors and course leaders, with the 18 highest-scoring offered a place. Successful colleagues will start their programmes in the autumn and, in accordance with the rules for apprenticeships, will spend 20% of their working time dedicated to off-the-job training.

The launch of the Leadership and Management Apprenticeships complements the other elements of SHU’s development offer, including Hallam Leaders, Headstart, the recently-launched Senior Strategic Leadership Programme and the Professional Services Development Programme.

We anticipate that we will run the same scheme next year, launching applications in May.